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I bought two colour infra-red cameras that came with transmitters and receivers, a capture card for the computer and surveilance software for the computer, like a CCTV system. I never got round to installing them properly but they work great. I intend to install one on the run just to see if we are getting any unwelcome visitors. The Camera can be set to record via the computer on motion detection and can even email you a snapshot.

You can rig them straight to a tv or video as well.


Whan the light levels drop too low the cameras film in black and white, good quality though.


I bought them from a company called Pakatak on Ebay.


I will dig them out at the weekend and see if I can get them set up.


Kev. :)

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Hi Hazel,


I am thinking about this also, but not it in the Eglu, I was thinking about putting one in the run pointing down towards the door of the eglu.


Argos has a selection of Wireless CCTV cams in black and white and full technicolour. I think they start at £100 ??? You can connect them up to the TV and then change the channel to watch your chucks.


I would like to check up on them from the office via the net. But I think this would be a little to much ! and I'd never get any work done.


If I find a cheap and good camera, I'll let you know...





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Please keep this thread going and let us know how this works. I've been thinking about it - but didn't get any further than that. I fancy doing a Spring Watch thing and sitting on the sofa watching them roost and then get up in the morning.


Aren't I nosey!

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I would be interested in setting up a web cam too, but don't know how to go about it :?


I would like it to be in the big run or in the garden now they free range. You would have to be carfeul if you dashed out in your PJ's or less :shock: in the morning, and I wouldn't want my smalls on the washing line for all to see :lol:

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