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Holiday Update

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Well It's Wednesday already and all the things I was promising to do while having a break from work largely remain undone!


Saturday: Went to the Wernlas Collection in the hope of buying at minimum a blue egg laying chook. It was wonderful to look round (between showers) but unfortunately the chooks for sale were all 13 weeks and we needed them to be 20 weeks to integrate with our 4. Didnt take any photos :oops:

Then went to Ludlow - a beautiful little market town about 5 miles away and had lunch and a walk round the town, church and castle.

On the way home called at Stokesay Castle - very near Wernlas - Beautiful place see pictures....












Saturday continued - built extension to Cube without the aid of green clips which Omlet had still not sent. Used flourescent cable ties that I bought on Ludlow Market as a temp measure. (Not that successful really).


Sunday; Father's day. Called to see my Dad who for some strange reason had decided to take himself off to Blackpool for the day. Called to see my Mum & StepDad and had a few hours with them, Some of my sisters and nephews turned up so we had quite a gossip. Had a wander around a garden centre before coming home. Spent the afternoon not doing jobs! Watched the chooks, bagged up a pile of old hemcore and chippings into a dozen binbags in preparation for fitting the new bargeboard system to my cube and extension as illustrated by very inventive omleteer on another thread.


Monday: Loaded car up with 12 bags of chicken poop and other rubbish and took it to the tip. Then went for a drive to Frodsham in Cheshire. Pretty little town with blue plaques explaining what all the buildings are/were. Had lunch in a cute little tea room - a bit like having lunch in Grandma's front palour!

Called at Garden Poultry at Kingsley. Very fortunately had a cat basket in the car so managed to choose a Snow White (Leghorn Hybrid) and a nearly all black, Black Rock to bring home with us. Called at wickes and bought the feather edged board needed to put the barge boards on the cube (£5.59).

Put the new girls in the cube and let the originals out to free range.

Built the bargeboards - which only took an hour and sat watching the chooks till bedtime


Cube with Bargeboards and Very white Shower curtain (79p from Tesco).






Pictures of new chooks:




Sorry about the finger smudge on the lens - I've cleaned it off now :lol:



Did a few jobs - well I'm trying to convince myself - there's no evidence I did anything. I did sand 2 of the bargeboards down as they were only rough sawn and oiled them with Teak Oil. Let the original chooks out and kept the newbies in just to give them a break. There is some pecking order stuff going on but it doesnt look too bad at the moment. Spoke to Jan at Omlet about my missing clips - she said she would send some more.

Went Line Dancing :lol:


Wednesday: had to wait in for a parcel - clips arrived and a nice card and some egg cups as a thank you for chatting with a potential customer and to say sorry for the clips mix up - [Fee have you got my clips?] Parcel didnt arrive until Noon.

Decided we should go out as we didnt yesterday - drive to Liverpool to look at the Tate. It was lunchtime when we got there so had lunch at The Tate Cafe - nice food. Looked round the galleries and a wander around the waterfront. Had afternoon tea at the Tate - did I mention - Nice Food :D


Newbies seem to be settling in - when we got home all the chooks were sunbathing together. There is still some pecking going on but not as much as I had expected.


Then came home and crashed out - a mixture of sea air and ongoing medication I think. Off to watched some taped Dr Who.


Plans for rest of week...

Thursday Tidy house etc (If I get round to it) BIL coming for the night from San Francisco on a whistle stop tour of the family. Friday Going to Gerrards Cross to stay with SIL for weekend. It's MIL 70th Birthday. I've got a good book to take and on the way back we will be very close to Legbars of Broadway..... So watch this space :shock:

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Jaime, I love the place you went to visit - where is it (do't say Wernlas cos I've no idea where that is either!! :lol: )

And you're cube looks fab, much tidier than ours with those boards around the bottom! And I will concede that red does, in fact, look pretty cool. Nearly as cool as orange! :lol::wink:


Mrs Bertie

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The Wernlas Collection is on the Welsh Border in South Shropshire. I dont really know where it's near - I just used SatNav!


Ludlow is about 6 miles south - beautiful Market town.


Stokesay Castle is about 6 miles North



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