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Check your Clocks

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oo red, I remember going to an outside loo once and a spider crawled up between my legs from under the seat




I always check under the seat now, and avoid outside loo's wherever I can. I'd rather find a bush if I'm desperado!



i spent my childhood in Australia and where we lived was over run with red abck spiders. every morning, we werent allowed to go for a wee til mum or dad had lifted the seat and checked for spiders, and yes it was an inside loo, and yes, sometimes they found one! :)


PS and I have absolutely no fear of dpiders having grown up with them everywhere!!

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oo red, I remember going to an outside loo once and a spider crawled up between my legs from under the seat




I always check under the seat now, and avoid outside loo's wherever I can. I'd rather find a bush if I'm desperado!


Goodness Gina, how awful; that would put me off weeing for ever - give me a bush anytime!

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Not only bright shorts - but very short shorts! God for you Clare! I didn't run this year (or any year for that matter :roll: ) but did help out on the finish line handing out the goodie bags! I belong to our local Ladies' Circle and this was one of our charitable efforts this year. :wink:

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Good for you Red! They need all the help they can get.


Rosie decided to run it this year (she raised £120 herself), so it was more of a gentle amble this year with bits of running - suits me not to have to train too hard! The course at Heythrop Park is lovely, with woods and great scenery. We usually end up with a picnic afterwards.

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