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Chortle Chook

Call ducks arrived - such sweeties

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My little call ducks came home yesterday. OH is thrilled and keeps pointing out how much quieter and less hassel they are than my chooks :roll: (I'll post about that in the chicken section). They have spent a lot of time 'taking the sun' and a bit of time swimming in their tin bath. I floated some pellets on the surface and they went quite nuts swimming around and around, diving and splashing and shaking till we were laughing fit to burst :lol: .


Oh has called them Walter and Jemmima. Here they are (I'm not sure what their colour names are so if you know, then please do say, or feel free to let me know that they are neither the one thing nor the other, as I think they are pretty anyway):





(edited to reduce picture size)

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They are gorgeous! I have been soaked many a time by our two ducks. :lol: I see they are using the bricks to help them get out of the bath. :) I posted before somewhere that ducks seem to exist just to mix mud and water which they then use to 'muddy up' their clean pool or tub trug :roll::roll::roll: . I do find that after a diving and splashing session, quite a lot of their water has been splashed out. I marvel at how, in quite a small pool, they manage to do circuits underwater!! Sparrows take the duck feathers from the lawn on a regular basis, presumably to line their nests with? I have images of a whole clutch of baby Sparrows snuggled in a nest surrounded by lots of white duck feathers. xx (white duck)(white duck) xx

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You are so right. The water that comes out is amazing and the feathers too. I'm also stunned by how they will look such clean little beings before they get in and yet by the time they get out again the water looks like a cess pit :shock: . The business of them getting out of their bath is now sorted, as you say, by the brick platform, but the getting in proved a bit more difficult as the nice gloss painted wooden ramp OH had provided proved too slippery. He has now tacked on a bit of thin coir matting and that seems to do the trick. They practically shinned up it just now :clap: I've also been wasting a lot of time (when I should be working :oops: ) making duck tunnels through our box hedging as it seems, unlike the chickens, they can't leap over these.

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mollyripkim, having call ducks really does not take much in terms of set up. I'm finding that they FR very well with my Silkies, all being rather gentle, but they do need a separate house. I have a wooden one but an Eglu would do just as well and would probably be easier to keep clean.

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