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Re-usable bags

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I've found a great use for my BHWT bags - now that we have the caravan set up on a seasonal pitch my bags go back and forward in the car with messages :wink: , clothes, magazines etc, whatever we need. They're great 'cos they're sturdy and I can pop them in the boot then fold them flat till I need them :D

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I have bought a purple one this morning! They are really lightweight and fold up so small, really handy, and if you clip the holder onto something you don't need to unclip to use the bag as it pops out the other end, clever! :D


The patterned ones weren't in the sale in the branch I went into though :( .


A good idea to get tweenagers using their own bags too!


Thanks for the tip off Lesley! Not the sort of shop I would ordinarily go anywhere near.

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I made one out of a pretty paisley Ikea pillowcase :lol: .


I think we should all post photos of our home made ones. I made one about 25 years ago from a remnant of cream and gold brocade.


Post a photo, Lesley :D !! This is my Ikea pillowcase bag and it folds up small enough to fit in my handbag.



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Although not cheap, i got some lovely organic cotton ones form Amnesty International, two for £10 i think. They are organic and fairtrade too so i feel very smug when i use them :lol::lol::lol:


We banned the plastic bag a couple of years ago and used to get very strange looks in shops when we said that we didn't need a bag. Bon Marche actually refused to let me leave the shop without one of their own bags :evil::evil: Now i find that shop assistants seem quite pleased when i use my own bag. It's also nice to get clubcard points in Tesco for re-using bags too, especially as they usually give me at least double the amount of points to what i should get :D


How long before there is a tax on carrier bags? It can't come soon enough 8)

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kate and lesley what a great idea!!! they are beautiful

i have loads of old material from curtains etc. and i could do with some more reusable bags


the only piece of clothing i have made before was a really bad waistcoat when i was 14 but i do mend things by hand.


is hand stitching strong enough? i have thought several times about buying a sewing machine but they are expensive and i know it would end up collecting dust in the spare room. (and i was scared that i would do what my mother did when i was about 8 years old, she made all of us (including my dad) matching blue toweling shorts and t-shirts. i remember the day all six of us walked along the clifffs in cornwall wanting to die :oops::oops: . at least we were on holiday and we didnt know anybody.)


unless there are some really lovely things i havent thought of yet to make as well as the lovely bags :)


hubbie hates me going on this site as now we have a chickens and bunnies, loads of crocs, a diy recycled compost bin (instead of our plastic one) and raised beds for the kids.

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I'm not sure if handstitching would be strong enough if you were going to carry something heavy but if you made sure that the bottom of the bag wasn't stitched, that would be much stronger. If you have the material so it's long rather than wide and fold it in half then stitch the sides and that would be strong enough as the bottom of the bag wouldn't need stitching at all as the bag would be made from one piece of material with stitched sides. Does that make any sense :lol: .

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yes thats a great idea kate :D:D

i might try to have a go sitting outside tomorrow when the children are playing in the garden. i might try to make a big one to put the recycled cardboard in before it goes in the recycling wheelie bin. i could hang it off the draw handle to the dresser. i usually pile it up by the rubbish bin in the kitchen and it does look awfull. i dont think i will make the handles as they will surely break so i will put some eyelet holes in and use a couple of those bungee things with small carabinas on (i bought some to hold my waterproof cover down on the eglu so we didnt have any accidents with kids pinging them off)

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Here's a pic of my sandwich bag! I made it years ago to take my packed lunch etc to work in. It has a firm base sewn in, I reinforced it with a piece of thin but rigid plastic. I bought a lovely old ladies style Edinburgh Woollen Mill skirt for 50p in a charity shop, because I fell in love with the beautiful heather marl colour of the fabric, and made the bag with it.




Bron, all that hessian would make great kids toy storage bags, and smart bags for all your recyclables too!

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