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We bought some Garlic a few months ago & planted it out.

It has been doing really well, but we are unsure about when to harvest it.....anyone know?

Also, what would be the best way to dry it out so it looks like the stuff you get in the shops, or can it be used as it is?

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Sarah - if it is big enough you can harvest it now, we dug ours up last week. Ours had overwintered though. The leaves start to yellow and you can fold them down as you would for onions.


Be careful that it doesn't go mouldy in the ground - ours started to last year and then suddenly it had all gone :?


This years was starting to look mouldy so we dug it up and have put it on wire to dry in the mini greenhouse.

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traditionally the french harvest their garlic on Bastille day- july 14th- so any time now is ok depending on whether yourleaves have started to die back, and where you are geographically too- further north may not be quite ready. you can always lift just one as a test and take a look.

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You can dry most of it from hanging it in the green house or garage for a couple of weeks - they are easy to plait like onions and dry really easy.


However, do keep up to 10 and use them fresh - they are brilliant like this and although not so intense as the dried ones, they are a wonderful fresh flavour. Fantastic for garlic bread!!

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Don't plant them anywhere too damp because they will rot over the winter.


We bought some bulbs last autumn and forgot to plant them so we planted some pink garlic in the spring when we planted our onions, that we had bought at the French mareket that comes here a couple of times a year.


It grew fine but I think the cool summer and the rain helped is is better done in the autumn if we don't have a wet winter.

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