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Newcastle disease

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I’m guessing a fair few people here will have seen that the APHA have issued a warning about Newcastle disease. If you haven’t, google DEFRA Newcastle disease and you’ll find it.

The thing is it’s got me wondering (and worrying) about what killed Bernadette. The vet saw her a few weeks before she died and didn’t really know what was wrong with her as it turned out, but her symptoms do match up fairly well to Newcastle. Does anyone know if it’s in the country at all, how long it takes to kill a hen and whether it’s even remotely likely that was what killed Bernadette? She had slowed down, lost her appetite but not completely, had swelling on one side of her face, looked like she was constantly trying to rub her ear on her shoulder, was very sleepy, at the end couldn’t use her legs.

My two Wyandotte bantams have been behaving oddly the last week or so and seem distinctly under the weather - I’d put it down to them being nearly 6 years old, moulting and the hot weather - but maybe it’s something nastier? 

I’m hoping you’re all going to tell me I’m reading too much into everything but please let me know your thoughts.

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TBH, the symptoms you have described are sort of non-specific, but it's good that you are aware. Newcastle disease was pretty much stamped out in the UK in the early 60s, so sad to see it back. From information, the neurological symptoms are what marks it apart from other 'non-specificchickenitis'.

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