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New to gardening, but very keen!

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Yes, I'm sure Blackrat keeps bees but he's not been on the forum for a while - do you think we scared off the Grim Reaper :shock::lol: ?


I'd love bees but OH won't let me while we're living here. 'Lowlander' on River Cottage has some and they don't sound that difficult to keep plus there's the benefit of gorgeous honey for your efforts.


If we ever get our bit of land, bees will definitely have a place there :wink: .

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Just heard that someone is officially keeping bees on our allotment site. This is the animal precedent we need - will continue taking Sybil and Pollo but with an extra boldness in my step and not worrying about any of the committee seeing me. In fact I think we'll take them to our allotment open day in July with some leaflets about eglus - any chance for new converts :D

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No commission - just that people who keep hens are really nice (in my experience) so this is a chance to increase the numbers of nice people :lol::lol:


Also, don't you have dreams of an eglu in every garden? That would put all the factory farmers out of business :lol::lol:


I was reading the other day that the banning of battery cages isn't quite as good as we thought - they have decided that bigger cages will be acceptable :twisted::twisted: . Have none of these sadistic politicians ever seen a hen enjoying a scratch around on earth and a dust bath - essential behaviour for a hen.


End of soap box :oops:

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Helen - I hope your peas are still covered? If we get the hailstorms the forecasters say we should then small tender plants will not cope very well.


Here though it is sunny, blue skies but very cold - I've covered the overwintered Broad Beans with fleece just in case, they have masses of flowers.

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