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SATS grading debacle

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Devon had her year 9 SATS earlier this year,& has now got the results for Maths & Sciencs,in which she has,true to forn,done very well indeed.


English takes longer to mark,so we have had to wait until after the summer hols for her resut which she should have got this week.

In fact a large group of children from her school have not been given their results as they have not met expectations.

The school have looked into this & it transpires that ALL of these papers were marked by graduates who had no real experience of marking SATS papers.........


Now,the thing that has really got to me is this - the school are not going to ask for these papers to be re marked.

Why? - well because the exams are not important enough :shock:




Well,in that case why was pressure piled upon Devon to do well,to achieve all she can & to revise like a demon?


She has done the exam,& she deserves to get the proper result.

She wants to know what the result of all her hard work was & what she has achieved,& we as parents want to know what all her worry & hard work was for too.


Rant over (for now) 8)

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The SATS mean nothing and it's a shame that the Government insist on keeping them. it's undue pressure on children. I have a chosen a school for my DD that doesn't take SATS.


I can understand how frustrated you must feel though. All that hard work for nothing.

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I tell kids I teach not to get too wound up by the SATs they mean NOTHING to the kids, you don't put the results on your CV do you.


I agree the government should drop these stupid exams, they are just another way of "judging" schools and they waste our time, spending half of year 9 getting kids though SATS is a waste of everyones time.


I prefer my kids to start GCSE cousework, gives them a much better chance to do well in a qualification that will actually make a difference to them.

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I agree, and I posted earlier in the year that the pressure put onto my daughter was too much for exams that mean so little.

But, the pressure WAS there, she DID the work,she probably did very,very well in her exam indeed.

And I think that as her paper,along with many others,has been marked wrongly,they should be resubmitted.


I feel it gives the wrong message to ask them to do these exams then not to be bothered to give them the correct marks :roll:

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I agree Sarah. The best way of learning is through constructive feedback on our efforts. Not getting that feedback just leaves you in limbo. No different to doing a project at work and it disappears for ever into the bosses desk. As adults we wouldn't put up with that, but children are expected to. :evil:

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It costs the school quite a lot of money to get a re-mark done. If they have no confidence in the quality control of the marking then paying to get a remark will seem very pointless to them. The teachers assessment really should be the benchmark, not an exam and when the exam tells you that marks are lower than teachers expectations its a downer all round.


If a remark is sucessful you get the money back (well you do for GCSE) but its a big chance to take with a lot of money which schools can ill afford for results that will not change a childs life. When it is GCSE's and A levels schools are far more willing to spend that money as its a better investment - every improved mark could make a difference to a childs life.

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Ooops, Immie must be in the same boat, I'd totally forgotten about them.

Her school pays lip service to SATs, they all sit them but there's no pressure and precious little revision, so if we're in the same position I can't imagine them being sent for re-marking, no point in my opinion. I simply don't care enough about government targets. I DO care, passionately about my children's education but I've yet to be convinced that all this testing is of any value at all to the youngsters concerned.

That said if Devon was pressurised by the school to do well, it seems like double standards to me now if they just brush them aside as unimportant............ they quite clearly were very important to the school and Devon at the time.

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a couple of points on SAT's for Year 9's


1. the government work on the Value Added from year 6 to Year 11, not taking into account for year 9.


2. who pays much attention to half time scores in football - its the final result that counts.


the only problem that we have is that some primary schools "help" the students in year 6 (so they get good grades) so when they join us in year 7, we have inflated grade that are not correct :evil:


Either way, well done those of you with good grades in year 6, 9 and 11

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yep I'd forgotton about those year 6 results, we completely ignore them as primary schools seem to get results out of these kids which seem impossible to understand.


Last year I was working in a school which made us continue with the riduculous ICT sat even after the gov said it wasn't going to be compulsorary. It took 8 weeks out of my KS3 scheme of work and invloved room changes for all the kids so that the year 9 classes were in the best computer rooms, where the machines could handle the software. This put year 10 and 11 into sub standard rooms without the correct software to do their GCSE coursework. And of course, they were on a 100% coursework syllabus so were just being disadvantaged every lesson.

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a couple of points on SAT's for Year 9's


1. the government work on the Value Added from year 6 to Year 11, not taking into account for year 9.


2. who pays much attention to half time scores in football - its the final result that counts.


the only problem that we have is that some primary schools "help" the students in year 6 (so they get good grades) so when they join us in year 7, we have inflated grade that are not correct :evil:


Either way, well done those of you with good grades in year 6, 9 and 11


True, teech said that some in y6 last year went in on 2b's and out on 4a's! :roll:

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Can anybody put these into some sort of order for me? What level is a child expected........ to be at when they leave junior school at year 6?


As my 8 year old did SATs last year in year 3 and has mainly got 3a and 3b is this on course?


Her school is sooooo small though that their results are meaningless in the grand scheme of things and they are not groomed for their exams as the local large primary schools close by are.

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