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Barnevelders and Cream Legbars

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My Wendy is the same size as the older girls now but feels 'slimmer'. She is such a mummy's girl and as soon as I open the back door she comes running up and follows me about everywhere. She just stands and waits to get picked up and doesn't struggle to get down. I was sitting on the step yesterday and she sat between my feet while I stroked her. She also laid me a big greeny/blue double yoker this week (but hasn't laid the last 2 days.

On the other hand I've heard Cream Legbars can be flighty but it may be different if you've hatched them yourself and handled them a lot (which I have).

I don't have a Barnvelder (yet :roll: ) but they look lovely and again I think just 'average' sized.

Are you getting eggs Liz?

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So you should be :D


I'm sure you know already but plenty of handling as soon as you get them and hopefully they'll be lovely and tame. Being pure breeds you'll probably have to wait till about February for eggs. I think they say if a pure breed hasn't laid by 1st October then it won't be till next year - Evie, my Speckled Sussex is nearly 28 weeks and hasn't laid so she better get a move on :lol:

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I got my 3 hens today!


One is a Columbine (Cream Legbar hybrid). She seems slightly smaller than the others (Pied Suffolk hybrid & Rhode Island) despite being 2 weeks older & in the few hours we've had her, seems to be quieter - she has had a couple of snoozes in the eglu already!


Don't know about handling yet - early days. They all seem happy to be stroked though.

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i have three cream legbars they are 30 weeks :shock::shock: and still no sign of an egg. :(:(

a man on the gamekeepers equipment stall at the sandringham show today said 'are you sure they are not cockerals? most chickens lay at 16 weeks' i would have been thinking the same thing if they were not cream legbars, i dont think he realised they are able to be sexed from day 1. i managed to get some bumper bits for £1 for 10 as all my girls are going into the big run when my cube comes and i dont want any pecking at little ninky. i also got some great chicken books, i love going to shows. it was my little boys third birthday today and he loved it.

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Chickens vary a lot when they start laying and it's more like 18 weeks onwards. It depends on breed and individual. It took 2 months at least for Trinny and Susannah to start laying and they were supposed to be POL. We bought in a new chicken and she laid eggs from day 1, took over as head chicken, and they soon followed.

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