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Eggless! Are there such chickens?

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Hi all - I know this may be a completely stupid question, but I'm going to ask it! Can it be at all possible to have hens that never ever lay eggs, ever? If the place where I bought my 2 hybrid marans were truthful about their age (14 weeks) it now makes them nearly 23 weeks old and they haven't laid a single egg. Also my 2 pure breed hens (sussex and welsummer) will be nearly 27 weeks coming up and again nothing. We are so disappointed and have even come to the conclusion that maybe we have got 4 hens that will never ever lay !! Their faces are nice and pink and their combs and wattles are developing well, they are not crouching as such as they still prefer to turn the other way if you try to put your hand over them. We are resigning ourselves that we are are going to be eggless forever! Do you think this can be a possibility ? We are all so sad :cry:

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I guess it's not impossible to have a chicken that never lays, but I think you'd be pretty unlucky to get four of them!


It is so frustrating, I know, waiting for the first eggs but I would bet that yours will lay eventually. It's so irritating to read about people having their chooks delivered and getting an egg the same day! :evil: I'm afraid ten weeks isn't (from reading on here) a record time to wait - be patient, and they will surprise you!

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Thanks guys, you are the only thing that keeps me going at the moment! We are being so patient that it hurts. Still we keep on waiting ...... Thanks guys you are all so kind on this forum, and I love to read all your chicken stories, just can't wait to shout WE HAVE EGGS!

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my cream legbars are 30 weeks :shock::shock:

and still no eggs, when taking to the lady in my local pet store who has loads of chooks she said that alot of people are having the same problem, even convincing themselves that they have cockerals!!

apparently it is the weather!!!! because it has been warm then cool and loads of rain and not enough sun, they just dont know whats going on.

fingers crossed we all get some eggs soon

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Pure breeds will usually lay later than hybrids - you say the hybrid Marans are 23 weeks and not laying - my Speckledy laid at 26 weeks. My pure breeds at the moment have laid - Welbar at 22 weeks, Cream Legbar at 26 weeks and Silver-laced Wyandotte at 24 weeks (1st egg yesterday).

However my Speckled Sussex (from the same hatch as the Welbar and CL) is now 28 weeks, small comb, not crouching etc.

So, as you can see they're all different. I also read that if a pure breed doesn't lay by 1st October you have to wait till spring, but that might just be an old wives tale :D

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i gave mine some left over birthday cake today to urge them on, they loved it, we are not big cake eaters and i made two huge cakes last week for my little boys birthday and we have loads left which is getting very dry. i even gave half the mountain of the bob cake to the nursery on monday. at least the chooks love it and i told them 'you can have some more if i see some eggs' i even tried putting fake eggs in the nesting box!!

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They'll get the idea soon, my pure breeds have been laying erratically this summer and one of mine only ever lays about 6 eggs a year!


It also pays to check that they are eating properly (sound like my mother here :roll: ); make sure that they are getting their layers pellets and only a few treats of corn or wheat in the afternoon. Layers pellets contain all the nutrients they need to make eggs, and fat hens won't lay either. Extra protein will help them to lay, de-salted tuna, mealworms or indigo wheat (from Wiggly Wigglers) all work well.


Any youngsters bought now will come into lay much later than chooks bought earlier in the summer.

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