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Gaping hen??

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I need some advice please.- one of my seramas has been going through quite an aggressive moult for a few months.  I've noticed in the last couple of days that she is raising her head up and gaping (like a big yawn).  I'm thinking gapeworm so am going to order some layers pellets today with Flubenvet (anyone know the best place to get them online?).  I've had a hen gaping in the past years ago and it turned out to be canker but I can't see any lesions in her throat and to be honest I think this is unlikely as they haven't free-ranged for months.  Do you think I should wait for the layers with Flubenvet or take her to the vet now?

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They can harbour the canker causing parasite for years without it being evident SeramaSilly; it becomes a problem when their immune system is depressed, typically during a heavy moult. But if you can't see anything in her throat that isn't the problem. In my experience gaping is 95% likely to be due to a overly-firm crop. This can occur during the moult when they eat their own feathers, so it's worth checking that and that she is pooing properly. Make sure she is drinking enough and don't put anything in the water that may discourage it, like ACV. If necessary give her a tiny amount of olive oil and gently massage her crop.

For her to shift any blockage and to digest properly she needs to move around; that will be limited if you bring them in. As Dogmother says they could get too warm. I'd only bring them in at night into the house and make sure the room isn't warm at all, just not freezing.

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On 12/29/2018 at 3:09 PM, mullethunter said:

How did you get on?

Thanks for asking but the vet didn't really know - she thought her crop was fine so we are just going to worm her as for gapeworm - apparently you worm as normal and then worm again after a month.


21 hours ago, Luvachicken said:

Is it the same hen that was poorly the other day but perked up in the sunshine ( I think that was your hen) ?

I had a gaping hen once but it was down to a chest infection.

How did she get on at the vets ?

No, I think someone else's hen.  She looks much the same - I'm keeping her and a friend inside in an unheated room.

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