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Things seem to be OK.


The girls (egged on by their Mums!) got together & told the nasty boy that if he didn't want to go to the movies because Cleo was going to be there, then that was fine. They would rather Cleo was there than him anyway :wink:


Since then they have all got along fine, although I haven't seen either of the Mums I had to speak to yet, & am rather dreading it !

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Things seem to be OK.

Since then they have all got along fine, although I haven't seen either of the Mums I had to speak to yet, & am rather dreading it !

I'm sure a smile will do it, Sarah. :D:)

Goodie!! I'm glad the girls have stuck together, brilliant. You really find out who your friends are in that situation.

But what a week for you! Yes, they grow up so fast. Isn't the MIL thing tricky sometimes? That'll be some of us one day!

So, I guess it's just keep :D:):D at her too...it's hard to be snippy (great word) if the other person grins and pretends not to notice!

:? Wish I listened to myself sometimes! Hope w/e goes well & that OH is better soon too. Off to get organised.........

...I may be some time. :shock:

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Well, the Mum of the girl we had the problem with phoned me this morning & offered to take Cleo in for me which was great.


Cleo phoned me about 15 mins before the movie ended because another bunch of kids (its a kids only saturday thing) we being loid & chucking popcorn about,so I collected her early.


But at least a few bridges have been built by the Mum phoning & offering the lift, so I am really pleased about that

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