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Soft shelled egg - complete

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This is what Bobbi has been laying the last couple of days.


I have been panicking that she is ill.




Dont worry - softies can occur every now and then.


My girls always have grit and crushed up egg shell in their food but they can still happen - the sudden change in the weather hasnt helped either :roll:

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I've had a few softies as well in the last couple of weeks. I put grit into the food but they just ignored picked out the pellets and left the grit - so I gave tipped out the grit into a seperate tub and they have wolfed down the lot..... strange things!


I think it is just one of the hens laying the soft shells but I don't know which.....


Helen in Hume

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I'm relieved that others are getting shell-less eggs too - today I got one egg with a soft shell and one with no shell at all. The girls have grit available all the time, and seem to be eating it, so I was a bit worried but maybe it is the weather/time of year.

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Marigold is very prone to laying soft eggs if she doesn't get enough shell in her diet. She's not very good at this egg malarky, bless her heart.


She laid the weirdest egg today, it had what looked like scratch marks in the shell :shock: and it was kind of mis-shapen, like babies heads when they always lay on the same side. I bet when I crack it open it's got a really thin shell too.

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