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First night as a cube owner

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My cube and four new girls arrived today. They seem to have settled in well but getting them to bed has been a bit tricky. Tried with a torch and managed to get one inside but she promptly sat down in the doorway leaving the others stranded on the ladder; all on the same rung. After much flapping (and encouragement) there was still no progress. Thankfully it was dark by now as I ended up having to get in the run on my hands and knees to give them a bit of a push. I am hardly what you would term petite (nor particularly bendy) and will probably have to do it again just to prove to OH that I did it.


Now they know where to go will they find their own way to bed? If not, how did all you more experienced cube owners manage. Any tips would be most welcome.


kind regards



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Oh Liz what a night! :lol::lol::lol:


I first started out chicken keeping with an eglu so it was a little easier to gently shoo them into bed with a broom :roll::lol::lol:


Perhaps you could take the back off the cube, stretch your arm toward the door and trick them to bed with some treats. It may be a 2 person job as when they are in the cube you will need to shut the back and the door promptly. :D


Good luck tomorrow - please report on your progress 8)

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:lol: This happened to me too - except I had two chooks completely blocking the door, 5 others wondering what to do and a Pepperpot and Gingernut that were trying to fly in over the top of the two blocking the doorway! :lol::lol:


The second night was slightly better although I had to intervene again - my cube is in a 7ft high run and the flying chooks were landing on top of the cube then looking like they were going to fly over the top :shock: (the shining a torch through the egg port didn't work :roll: )


The third night I left them to it and they sorted themselves out - it took them about 40mins though :roll:


In short :D I think they just take a few days to sort their order out, we noticed on the third night that the chook that went in first was very promptly chucked out by the next two that had been first in on the previous nights!


Good Luck :D



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Welcome to the world of Cubes - everyone's right your chooks will get the hang of it probably by tomorrow.


Mine have just adjusted to the new glug - I was pannicking at first because I hadnt seen them drink so I put the old glug back along side the new one - but now they all happily drink from the new one and ignore the old one completely - mainly because it got very low and full of mucky water!

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging replies. I am very pleased to report that they put themselves to bed tonight. Think I'll pour myself a 'hazardous' drink to celebrate.


Liz (cube green)GNRGNRGNRGNR

(+ Martha, Rose, Cybil and Prudence)


Make it a double! :lol: I'm glad your girls have sorted themselves out. It's getting too chilly of a night to have to be on your hands and knees in the gloaming.

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