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The Dogmother

(another) Supermarket rant

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Has anyone else noticed this...?


When a supermarket is going to bring out their own-brand version of a product, they take any competitors similar products off the shelves for a while to increase demand and make their own product sell better.


Was that as clear as mud? Sorry, here's an example that I noticed recently....


Nouvelle recycled paper loo rolls haven't been available in our Tesco for sometime, no space for them on the shelf, just not there. Lo and behold, Tesco have just launched their own brand recycled paper loo rolls; Nouvelle are still nowheer to be seen!


i have noticed this before with other products and feel that it is very unfair, not giving the competitors' products a fighting chance.

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  Claret said:
I've actually just shaken off my apathy and emailed the people who make Nouvelle to let them know. I'll post any reply I receive from them.




I'd be really interested in the response, good idea!

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It's a shame because Nouvelle's been on special offer in Somerfield for months now with 4 rolls free in the 12 roll packs, I think. I keep the airing cupboard full of them :oops: . It's not fair that there is no choice between brands and Tesco are very bad at that. Good luck, Clare. Hope you get a reply from them.

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  Kate said:
Oh dear, that's not good :( . They get replaced with card shops here :roll: .


they don't even get replaced down here! Don't ever plan on taking a trip to Margate or Ramsgate 'town centres' .... you will simply find empty shop after empty shop .....


all thanks to Westwood Cross, another out of town shopping complex, that has very little but has killed what remained of our town centres.


And back OT, we have the same problem down here with our supermarkets Clare - things just vanish off the shelves, never to be replaced

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Ok, I know I'll be a lone voice here, but here goes....


Supermarkets genuinely want customers to return, so frequently hold 'focus groups' where customers are asked why the buy specific products, why they don;t buy other products. For certain things, like recycled loo roll for instance, the majority of customers will refuse to buy them because 'they are too expensive', so when asked the question 'would you buy a cheaper 'own brand' product, the answer is frequently 'yes'. Not everyone who goes shopping in Tesco, Asda, Morrisons or wherever, give a monkeys about a product apart from the cost to their pockets.


A lot of manufacturers will only allow supermarkets to buy in products in certain amounts, so if the supermarket cannot sell that specific amount within a certain amount of time, and the manufacturer won't budge on the amount they are willing to supply, then it disappears from the shelves.


If you want to buy a specific product, then go and speak to the people behind the customer service desk, they can check to see if the company still stocks that product, but have just stopped stocking it in your branch, then they can put in a special order, just for you. That way, you can run in, pick it up and pay for it at the customer service desk, and not have to fight over the last one on the shelf.


I know you all think supermarkets are out to take over the world, and do all that they can to **** off customers, but they really aren't.

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if you google "supermarket ombudsman" it seems like farming unions and suppliers are calling for one but have so far been unsuccessful.


Reminds me of what Walmart do in America. Set up in a town, undercut all the other shops so that they go bust, end up employing all the local people and then raise their prices.


Talk about owing your soul to the company store!

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  chookiehen said:
If you want to buy a specific product, then go and speak to the people behind the customer service desk, they can check to see if the company still stocks that product, but have just stopped stocking it in your branch, then they can put in a special order, just for you. That way, you can run in, pick it up and pay for it at the customer service desk, and not have to fight over the last one on the shelf.


I'd love to do that Shona, but the queue at the customer service desk in our Tesco is even worse than at the checkout. I aciually avoid going for refunds etc because it's so bad!

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