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PC World - Rant!

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This bunch have been a nightmare to deal with over 2 laptops which we bought in April :roll:


They were a problem from day 1....whenever we switched them on the trip switch in the house went.

To be honest we didn't even realise it wa the laptops that were the problem to begin with, but had electricians around who told us the house wiring was very sound, & we soon deduced that the power only went when we switched either one of these laptops on.


So, I called the manufaturer, who said there was a known fault with the power supply leads, but we had to deal with PC Worlds repair dept 'The Tech Guys'


I phoned them, & off they went for repair - the whole 2 laptops,even thought the leads just needed replacing.

But ,& this is pretty devious, I marked the power leads with a blob of pen,so I could see if they actually HAD been changed. 8):wink:


Lo & behold,they came back with a note saying the power leads had been replaced, but the same,marked leads still attatched :roll::twisted:


It also said they had been tested & were fine, which they most certainly were not.

As a point of interest they also trip the power in my Dads house.


So,off they went again, & they have just come back again marked as replaced, but the same leads still on them :twisted::twisted::twisted:


PC Worlds customer service dept just shunt me in the direction of The Tech Gys customer service dept, who shunt me back.....I am literally at my wits end.


The PC World store manager is now dealing with it & SHOULD get back to me soon.


I just wish I had spent my £950 in John Lewis instead :roll:

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I do feel for you Sarah! When I bought my first laptop from PC world and they were more interested in the 'extras' that went with it. I still get post from them, 4 years on asking if i would like to join their insurance scheme!!


Its John Lewis for me now, as their Customer service is always good and you get a 2 year warranty on everything!


Kick off, threaten Watchdog and the Consumer Ombudsman! (sp)?


Hope it is sorted soon.

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I've just been doing my Xmas shopping (only have to buy for her indoors - she does all the rest) at John Lewis online. But I am going to get her a flat screen monitor - one of the thin ones - and I was going to get it at PC world becos its the only computer place near here that I can actually see what I'm buying and collect it.


And at least there is a shop I can go and rant in - if I buy it online and theres a problem I've got nowhere to go.


Um, I'm all undecided now!

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off on a small tangent but if you're buying anything at PC World order online and collect in store and you save a fortune.


I used to work for them before I moved to Gloucester and since then I've had a few run ins with poor service personally and our friends laptop came back with a crack on the lid, that wasnt there when it went in. Took weeks to get that one sorted.


Although sometimes having a dosy numpty can work to your advantage. I got a doubly fast wireless card the other day for the desktop as they hadn't got my items ready for collection. I had to get it off the shelf and thought I'd pull a fast one and selected the better model (7001 instead of 7000) that was nearly £20 more expensive and the chap said it was fine. I did ask him to check it honest :D


Cinnamon, I'd be complaining very severely as you can prove by the markings that they have not changed your adaptors, so they are mis-leading you - no worse than the scoundrels who rob old ladies for work on their house that doesnt need doing. But bet your life they booked a warranty claim from the manufacturer for the parts you have never received.




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Thanks for that Andrew.




Well, they have twice tried the prompt repair & that hasn't worked,so I think I might angle for the refund.


Needless to say the Reading store manager failed to call me back as promised yesterday :roll:

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