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collecting hens on friday - cant wait

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finished off making the run today (will post some piccies when i have time)

so ordered some chickens from merrydale in whetstone. unfortunatly they didnt have a snowbell (for which my 6 year old son is desperate for a white bird) so i have ordered a merrydale copper black, merrydale blue and possibly a merrydale sweetie.


even my oh is well impressed and succumbed to the idea of having chickens, he even suggested getting a couple of bantams too :shock:


anyway as i couldn't afford an eglu (you lucky people), i wondered if i bought a glug and grub would it fix onto the side of my wire mesh?

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Gosh well done for making your own housing. I would never have got chickens if it hadn't been for omlet.


However I did build them a perch the other week-end, the first time I have ever made anything like that. Was so worried it would collapse the first time they got on it, but its still standing :lol:


Would love to see your chickens, maybe if its convenient I could pop in some time and meet another chicken lover. Thats if I can cope with the snails pace of traffic round Kibworth at the moment.


Good luck

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Gosh well done for making your own housing. I would never have got chickens if it hadn't been for omlet.


However I did build them a perch the other week-end, the first time I have ever made anything like that. Was so worried it would collapse the first time they got on it, but its still standing :lol:


Would love to see your chickens, maybe if its convenient I could pop in some time and meet another chicken lover. Thats if I can cope with the snails pace of traffic round Kibworth at the moment.


Good luck


no prob, i will pm you when they're all settled - dont worry i'm not as far as kibworth were near the texaco roundabout about a mile away

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OMG after all the hissing and spitting that my oh has done about keeping chickens, last night he sheepishly asked my if i can locate a Rhode island red for him :shock: as his first chicken as a child (henny penny) was a rhode island.







thats MEN for you!!!!, he'll next claim that he made the coop himself!


He'll be telling everyone that the whole thing was his idea next. :roll::lol:


As you say...that's men for you!! :lol:

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