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Tessa the Duchess

Offered on Freecycle

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Snowy wrote:


:dance: That's great - we await the book review! :D (and pictures of all the home made runs you'll be building now!) :wink:


:D:D I'll probably give the run building book to DH, big hint :wink: and one of my NY resolutions is to learn how to post pics to this forum and find a cool avatar piccy.




How about this one Tessa? :D


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Snowy wrote:


How about this one Tessa? :D


Hmmm, a bit too cute for me :( I am however impressed with your tech

abilities, I've read that FAQ item about posting avatars about 6 times and

each time I think, Oh well, one day :oops:


Just to briefly go back to the books I scored on freecycle. When I went to pick them up, we naturally got chatting about chickens, as you do :shock:

The lady told me that she used to have an Eglu with 3 girls until one night last summer, she went to lock their run for the night, apparently she was more than a little tiddly :roll: and couldn't locate the stick thingie that

goes through the door loops so put a brick against the door instead.

She also used to close the Eglu door but not lock it as her chickens had

learned to let themselves out in the morning. During the night a fox moved the brick got in the run opened the door and took all 3 :(:evil:

just a few feathers left :( She said she felt so guilty she sold the Eglu,

and would never keep chickens again.



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Ah - I didn't know that - unfortunately we have to weigh the edges down as the ground isn't quite flat so the skirt doesn't sit totally flush to the ground and I reckoned that foxes would be more likely to be able to get under if the skirt was lifting than if it was weighed down at various points. The reason for the ground not being totally flat is that we have a lot of trees in our garden and the tree roots mean that the ground level isn't flat......mind you, foxes would probably have difficulty digging through tree roots!! (I hope...... :?:lol: )

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