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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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The 8 little cockerels are in the ark Helen. One will be kept and the rest will be Dinners. The 3 big Dinners live in the pink Eglu and the 8 layers live in the two green Eglus. The ducks live in the blue one.


I am taking it easy - I haven't got the energy to do otherwise :?:(


The kitchenware is still in boxes and the 10 tons of topsoil is still waiting to be shifted, but I will do it eventually. :roll:

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Wow! I have just spent an hour reading this topic from beginning to end, just like Jimmies Farm, now all you need to do is add BBC2's 'Its not easy being green' with a water wheel and small wind turbine and your set. Why not contact the BBC you never know Dick Strawbridge got a presenters wage doing his programme. Brilliant I admire you both and wish you all the best.



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I don't think the TV route would be for us - although we do talk about it, usually after talking to the Carpenter, Electrician and Fencing Contractor :roll:


The pigs should have an ark by the end of the week. The fencing of a paddock may not be done before the ark arrives. In the meantime we are going to make a bigger temporary home for them with the very big straw bales I phoned a local farmer about straw and his son then appeared on the doorstep. He's very useful to know and knows farming inside out. He will help with the straw bales and is also doing the fencing. He also knows one of the Omlet team - what a small world!


The little piggies soon found that they could clamber up onto the straw bales - we had to put an extra layer all around and wrestle Malone back into the enclosure!


Jake hasn't quite got the hang of the name Malone - as in Piggy Malone. You have to be aged over 40 to know what I'm talking about. His version is Piggy Home Alone :lol::lol: I think it has stuck now :wink:

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Hi Trish


It is glorious weather here at the moment and all the livestock are happy - it's very therapeutic :) .


Just what I need after a very nasty encounter with the dentist yesterday :(


Since moving in two weeks ago, I have never seen so many spiders :shock::? I've had some very close encounters with them as well :evil: We had open countryside where we were before so I'm hoping that it will settle down soon and that it is not a case of there being more spiders here :? I've got more boxes to unpack this morning - they've been standing on the kitchen floor :? - and it's far too warm to wear trousers tucked into socks :(

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Lesley, Let the hens in the house to clear up all the creepie crawlies and then you can deal with their poop (far more bearable) later :lol:


I used to be petrified of spiders but since having my little girl I have tried to train myself so that she doesn't end up with the same irrational fears.


The night before last I saw the biggest spider I have ever seen (by far) on the wall by my stairs.


I caught it under a pint glass and ran down the road with it to let it go (I can't kill anything).


Pre-daughter I would have left the house and stayed with my mum until the spider had been removed.


I took photos and the spider is almost the size of the pint glass.


I have photos of my run and the decking too and once I can work out what is wrong with my bluetooth I'll pop everything in the gallery so you can see how we live and that I'm not jesting on the size of the spider :shock:

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