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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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I wear latex gloves whenever I clean the chooks out, work on the car, cleaning anything oily or greasy or painting. I have terrible skin that would "absorb" the dirt and as my skin is so dry I can't get it out for ages!


Not good to serve a customer with half a field trapped in my skin!

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Mindy has decided to make a nest and sit on her eggs. We were told that she would probably get bored after a few days and abandon them but we've decided to wait and see what happens.


Matthew is going to be making the new chicken run today - that might put her off sitting :?




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Worth a try Lesley - some ducks are good brooders and mums. If she does get bored but the eggs are still warmish, then try finishing them off in an incubator or borrow a broody - I'm sure there are plenty around this time of year within travelling distance. I've hatched ducks under hens and it's no problem - but it would be lovely if Mindy could do it herself :D

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This thread is irresistible, I do love catching up with Lesley and her livestock, and the photo's are gorgeous. But it's really not good for me, giving me ideas above my station :roll: ...... I want some ducks now, Mork & Mindy are adorable, and as for those pigs 8)

Lesley, thank you for the updates, you are a true inspiration :D:D

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Oh! - go on Clare* - you know you want to :lol::lol:


Yes, Sarah - there is electric fence. We made temprorary areas with the Omlet netting - 4 areas about 5m x 7m each. The electric fence is two strands of polywire on plastic posts.


The permanent runs are being built at the moment - 6 areas, each measuring 5m x 20m, with a gate. No more clambering over Omlet netting :D


Jane - do you need to take the broody duck off her nest once a day to make sure she eats and poos?


I hope your bantam is still broody Clare - we may need to borrow her! :roll:


New additions to the family due tomorrow :wink:

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It is much better if Mindy comes off herself to eat, drink and poop, but you may need to keep a close watch to check if she is doing it. If not, but she looks too well in the photo not to be looking after herself, then you'll have to intervene but once a day will do. If at all possible then just leave her to brood with as little intervention as possible for the 28ish days.

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Just checking to see if you were listening Martin :lol::lol:


We collected two beautiful Berkshire piglets. Two gilts, 10 weeks old.


One will be for bacon - the other we may keep until she is older and breed from her.


The farm is only a 15 minute drive away and we took Lauren and Jake after school to collect the new additions. We went round all the stalls with new piglets in - cute tiny little ones 8) - unlike their enormous mothers :shock: - then we went to choose our two.


They have gone into the temporary staw bale house at the moment.


The chicken runs are nearly finished.


Photos tomorrow - when I'm more awake.

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