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Guest Poet

citricidal advice

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i got some from the omlet shop (30 pence p&p by the way, bravo for that!) and it arrived in 2 days flat, impressive service!


anyway, it says to put 1 or 2 drops in their water- as they're all sneezing at the moment (grrr, this weather) I just tried to put some in their water but it doesn't come out in drops, it's quite....sticky? Anyway, I've put some in, hope it's enough!?


Does it really work?


I'm so worried about my girls as they're not used to wet and cold with them being ex batts. The coop is lovely and dry but they don't have the sense to stay in it. They're all wet and bedraggled and sneezing.


We've been giving them poultry spice since day 1 and ACV for the last few days too.


Just given them their daly treat of mixed corn, gave them a little extra today.


I'm worried :( do other people's girls sneeze at this time of year?


what else can I do?

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I've never seen mine sneeze yet but I do use citracidel in their water and you're right Poet it does not come out in drops :roll: I usually squeeze bottle and count to 2 :shock:


that'll be about 2 quids worth then! :shock:;)


can't believe the price for such a small bottle (same price all over the net as far as I could see). I gingerly squeezed about a drop- wanted to see if they'd still drink the water, might put a bit more in tomorrow.

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Mine's just run out after nearly 3 years! It's great stuff. My newbies developed sniffles and sneezes within a couple of days of arriving probably due to the upheaval but with Citricidal in their water for a week, they were all better - no more runny noses or sneezing. If they'd continued to suffer, I'd have whisked them off to the vets but I definitely put my faith in Citricidal after that.

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still not quite sure how much to put in (looks for an emoticon scratching its head)


I'm not good without specific instructions, might be that old catholic thing again!? I went to a convent grammar school, I'm sure it didn't do me any good! :shock:

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cool, thanks you guys :D


Jules, yes you can, the health food shops on line charge the same price though and p&p at Omlet is 30p!!!! bargain.


If me and DH start suffering, think we'll have to give it a go! I'll let him try it first ;)

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Citricidal is fantastic stuff! My girlies have a habit of sneezing - sometimes they do it after having a drink, as they dunk their heads in their glug!!!! :roll: Anyway, as soon as I put citricidal in their glugs, the sneezes magically go & they know to have a drink straight away! Clever chooks! Always amazes me how we shouldn't give them citrus fruits, but citricidal is grapefruit seed extract?? :?



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One of my chickens had runny "nose" and sneezes back in the Summer. I used Citricidal for a month every day and it went. I don't use at the moment.


I increased the amount over a few days until I was using a good sqeeze amount and then filling the Omlet glug full (not sure how much water that holds). It foams a lot and I just wiggle the water until it goes. Chickens drink it OK.


I bought mine from this link and it arrived next day.


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