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Guest Penguinmad

I'M GOING TO SEE THE JAM! - UPDATED - They were amazing!

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Well 2/3 of the Jam, Weller is still not playing with them but apparantly the new guy is excellent!


Its tomorrow night in Brighton and I'm sooo overexcited.


This is the concert my Dad wouldn't let me go to 25 years ago!!


I just hope I dont' get stuck in total traffic on the way there as my new head INSISTS we all attend the meal/speeches before leaving!

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oooh penuinmad. I love the jam. They were my fave group when I was at school. My whole bedroom was a shrine to the jam and Paul weller particularly, staring out at me with his floppy centre parting hair do and Lonsdale shirt. :lol:

I would cut every single clipping out and blue tack it to the wall like a huge collage.

My poor mum!

I had the smelly fish tail coat with a union jack on it and the works, badges, flight jacket etc...

I have got everything they ever did on record or tape and now have some on CD listend to loud and proud in the car with me singing along! :oops:

I never saw them as I was too young to go to a gig, but I have seen PW quite a few times.

Saw they were out and about again but I feel a bit funny about seeing them minus PW. Not really sure why :?

Please let us know what it was like.

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They were sooo good - Russell the singer was excellent and sounded just like Weller did live - not so much loike the album tracks.


Foxton was still jumping around the stage and he must be over 50 now but didn't show at all. The sound was just phenominal - I recorded some tracks by videoing them on my mobile and when I can find the lead I@ll pop one on my Blog so you can all compare.


I've seen Weller too and yeah he is great but as a group this lot were the mutts nuts. Atmosphere was fantastic loads of people were just talking to each other and remembering the good old days when The Jam were our lives. I will definately go and see them again but their next planned dates are in North America and Australia.


Only sour point was some silly so and so's (NOT what Foxton called them) kept throwing beer bottles onstage and Foxton was ready to walk off.


There was a guy who had a load of his memorabilia on display and that took me back, the images that were for years on my bedrooom wall - yes that one of Weller brooding with the middle parting. I too made collages of articles and picures that I found in magazines.


Oh Down in The Tube Station at Midnight was the first of the Encore tracks - the last one was Town Called Malice.


I really thought I'd died and gone to heaven - they actually don't need Weller at all - which I thought they would.

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Its ridiculous, turned out to be a couple of youngsters which was odd as most of the crowd was middle aged! They did get shoved out of the hall apparantly by a bunch of middle aged guys.

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Sounds great. Glad to here you had a good time. Think I will try and get to see them. Good memories. I have been to see Madness a few times more recently and it was the same with them, people throwing bottles. It seems to be the acceptable norm at their gigs. I got covered in beer. We went to see them open air at Delamere Forest and took the kids with us. My son very narrowly missed having a bottle thrown at his head. I was so cross about this as they were checking everyone comming in for glass bottles so how does it happen???

WHY would you want to throw beer and glass bottles at your heros???

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Ah, that explains something - when we went to see Motorhead/Alice Cooper there was a team at the entrance decanting any drinks into plastic 'glasses'. I wondered why at the time! Can't believe people would be so idiotic - there always has to be a minority try to spoil things doesn't there? :?:roll:

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Yes this was just plastic bottles with no lids.


However I was walking around all night with a plastic water bottle - with a lid that "Ooops, word censored!"ody commented on. I bought 2 bottles of water at the bar and they were given to me without lids, the barman watched as I poured them into my bottle and put the lid back on. He even commented that I was "well prepared"!!!

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