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Hi there,


Thanks to Lindy-Loo selling me her Eglu, we've been set up and ready for chickens for a few weeks now. However yesterday was the first opportunity we'd had to go and get some! We're now proud owners of Flory, Dilys and Milli - 3 beautiful Bovan Goldlines.


This is the first time on a weekend I've willingly been up at the crack of dawn and I can't wait until it's light to go and see them :lol:

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Thanks for the comments about their names - my son wanted to call them Murray, Gus and Fred....he was missing the point somewhat!


Starting of with 3 as hubby isn't keen on us having any and also pointed out we're not meant to have them (on the house deeds). I'll ease him and the neighbours in gently!

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how eggciting! You have lots to look forward to, this is the worst time of year timewise to have chickens, because they are in bed for so long - as spring comes and the days grow longer, you will be able to see so much more of them.


Have a very clucky Christmas with them.

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This is the first time on a weekend I've willingly been up at the crack of dawn and I can't wait until it's light to go and see them :lol:


I thought that the novelty would wear off, but I still enjoy going down to my girls and letting them out.


two or three days a week I go to work at 6.30, which is too early for them at this time of year as its still pitch black - and I really miss talking to them first thing. Otherwise its around 7.15 - 7.30 that I go down at the moment, which is a nice time.

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we're not meant to have them (on the house deeds). I'll ease him and the neighbours in gently!


Welcome to the forum - you will have a great time with your chickens. I'm surprised by how many folk have house deeds that say they can't have chickens. I've never looked on mine. Mind you, the woman we bought the house from had dozens, and several cockerals, so my 8 pale into insignificance!


And neighbours can usually be kept sweet with a few eggs every now and then!

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