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little chickadee

There are rats in my walls:- council doesn't do anymore!

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PLease do be very careful if you go the way of poison, one of my cats once got hold of Warfarin, we don't know how as it was from outside but we found her in the kitch bleeding from the mouth. Poor love almost died and cost a fortune in vet bills.


Same cat got herself addicted to slug pellets too and now has to live indoors, at my mums, forever as the vet said she's a "Junkie" and will kill herself with them if let out again. :shock:

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We've caught one up in the loft area today and baited the traps again. I don't know if it was a rat or a large mouse though. I've looked on the net and mice can be up to 13cm long (body length) It had quite a mouse like face and was much lighter brown than I have seen on a rat. We're going to chck the traps a few times a day. 2 down don't know how many to go. I will look into the electrical deterrant as well though. Thanks everyone for your words of advice etc. It's really nice just knowing someone is listening!!

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