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henny penny

Keeping the run dry

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Following the wet weather last week and the impending arrival of my chickens this week, I am worried about keeping the run dry. I have bought an eglu with the run and an extender run,I have noticed that there have been several mentions of shower curtains. How are they attached and are there other suggestions?javascript:(':?')

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Ikea do clear plastic shower curtains for 85p. One will cover a straightforward run and two will do a run plus extension. Much cheaper than the omlet cover, which does make things quite dark. They can be held on with bunjees, bulldog clips, clothes pegs etc. - anything works.

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I started out with the winter & summer covers but thought it made the run a bit dark.


I then bought a long length of plastic from Dunelm Mill and carefully put eyelets along both edges.


The first stormy night ripped most of the eyelets off :evil: .


I then bought some bungee cords from Whipperleyswhich are brilliant but during the really bad storm last week, the plastic ripped completely where it was a bit ripped already.


I've cut the ripped bits away, "bungeed" what's left as best I can and put the winter cover on top when it gets windy.


I would highly recommend the Whipperleys bungee cords - I just wish I'd ordered more (I've already ordered twice :roll: ). I would go for the 30 and 18 inch - they fit the run best. And they're green which matches the run perfectly :D .


Do be careful if you live in a windy area - weight your run down with slabs. My whole eglu and run got lifted and moved before I did :shock: . (The rain covers act like a sail.)


Sorry this is a bit long-winded (no pun intended!) but it's the only thing with the eglu that's caused me hassle.

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I tried a shower curtain held on by cable ties but we live on a hillside and it ripped off in a couple of days.

My revised version is two sheets of clear corrugated plastic (again held on with cable ties). This has been absolutely brilliant because it keeps off both wind and rain and doesn't blow away. Also it warms up the run on sunny days (although obviously in the summer I will need a different tactic or I'll roast them in the run!)



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I recommend the shower curtains, they do get torn if it's windy, but at 85p a time you can just replace them every couple of months.


Mine are held on with bulldog clips, not the most glamorous look but it does do a lot to keep the run dry. The other thing is putting aubiose in the run - it stops it getting too muddy as it soaks up wet (and poo).

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I bought some clear plastic tarpaulins - the sort that is used on market stalls - and they fitted very well on the cube and eglu runs. They are pretty hard wearing too and should last for years. Like others, I found that the Omlet covers make things very dark for the chooks.

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