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Apple Help Needed

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Grrrrrrrrrr :evil: This is driving me mad. I am a real computer numpty and am trying to connect my Airport to my Mac after years of not using it. Can I do it? Can I heck :roll: I have an old dome shaped airport and an ethernet modem. From what I can work out, the ethernet modem does not us PPoPE wotsit when connecting to the internet however the airport is saying that it is looking for one.


Hope that I am making a little sense :roll: Any advice would be very much appreciated :D:wink:

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:lol::lol: Oh well. I only looked because I thought it might be about apples! Now I find it's about Apples - there is a difference! :roll: I'd never heard of an airport though. :lol:


No-one's been helpful yet though Paola. Sorry!

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Thanks Tessa! :roll::wink::wink:


i do have a Mac, but it has a built in airport. I think that if you use an ethernet cable , then turn the airport off by clicking on the icon, top right hand corner. Plug in the ethernet and you should be away!


:? I think!


If you have wifi in the house, leave the airport on and click on the wifi icon. A list of available providers should come up.


Hope this helps (but probably won't) :?


C x

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I've got an iBook aswell :D :D


although I've had it for a while only started using it all the time when my old computer broke just before xmas.......haven't the faintest idea how the airport works :roll::roll::roll: I did try to use it to connect to internet but just couldn't get it to work...............think it also needed a card thingy (good technical term that :wink: )


I'm getting there slowly...........it's my aim on 2008 to learn how to drive my Mac :D:D:D

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I'm no techno but the airport is the base station and your computer needs to have a wireless card (reciever) either built in or you can fit one in. I went to the apple shop and they fitted it for me. You connect the airport to the phone line and then you should be able to detect it from your computer. You then configure it in the airport settings. We do not have our airport any more as we changed to BT voyager but the imac detects the base station just the same and we can check signal on the airport signal just the same. Dont know if any help? If you are still struggling I have a techi apple friend I could email, pm me? :)

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I was hoping you were asking for advice about a glut of apples. Since it's not a baking question and I'm a renowned technonumpty who wouldn't recognise an Apple if it stood up to say "hello" to me I'll log off now :oops::oops: .


But I do love the idea of Christian having his own airport............very apt :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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