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Flying to Dublin - advice needed please

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Hello people :D


I'm flying to Dublin (you probably worked that out already) with 13 other girlies for a hen weekend (i'd stay away if you know whats good for you :D )


anyway, we are flying from Leeds Bradford and have been told that we dont need a full passport :shock: is this correct?? surely not. (I have a passport, so i'm safe, but one girl travelling doesnt have one)


second thing, we can only take hand luggage, does anyone know what restrictions I have with taking make up and smelly stuff with me. last time I went on a plane it was one clear plastic bag and passport, tickets, money nothing else.


Thank you o fonts of all knowledge :lol:




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Evening Cathy!


Ok, you can have hand luggage with toiletries in, but they need to be in a separate clear plastic food bag that can be sealed. The press sealed ones are fine.

You can have as many containers in it as long as it can be sealed shut.


No containers over 100ml. Even if you have a 150ml container that is half full, its not allowed. All liquids. creams, gels etc must go in the bag. Nail varnish, hairspray, toner, cleanser, lip stick etc


You have to take the plastic bag out of your hand luggage when going through security. It gets screened on its own.


Re Passport -


Cut and pasted form this site -




Note: Whilst UK citizens do not require a passport or visa to enter Ireland, most carriers by air or sea now require some form of identification with photograph, usually a passport or driving license with photo. Visitors should check what form of ID is required with the individual airline, ferry company or travel agent before travelling.


Have a wonderful time in Dublin!




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I love Dublin and go over regularly as my daughter lives there - flying we have to put all stuff into one bag and not have a handbag out of the hand luggage from Aberden airport but coming back it does not seem to matter and I had 1 hand baggage 1 handbag and one carrier bag with Brussels chocolate as we had had a couple of days over there so it was easier coming back. Buy lots of small sizes from the supermarket i.e. toothpaste and I did not take any soap/shower gel as the hotels provide that ( I stay in a hotel as the flat they are in is so so tiny and its much nicer - a wee break for me) Enjoy Dublin and definitely go on the open top bus tour and get off at the guinness factory = its worth seeing just to go to the top to the restaurant/bar to see the sights.


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the airline i work for accepts photo driving licence and even out of date passports (up to 2 years out of date) on a domestic route. I would get your friend to check with the airline you are flying with before you go.


our hand baggage restrictions are 50x45x23cm in size and 10kg in weight - 1 piece only per passenger.


Maybe check out the airlines website - it will have all the info on there.


Have a fab time.....you hens will have a great time in Dublin!!! :D

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Dublin is fab - as Susan suggested, if you get a chance do the open-top bus tour. The tour guides are full of funny little anecdotes.

My weekend there was a bit of a comedy of errors - slept overnight in the airport as we were fogbound, got out the next afternoon but my bag didn't come with me :evil: , went to see Robbie Williams in the clothes I'd slept in, got soaked to the skin on the way back to the pub and lost my prescription sunglasses, had given up caring by this point so got very drunk :oops: .

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Dublin is fab - as Susan suggested, if you get a chance do the open-top bus tour. The tour guides are full of funny little anecdotes.

My weekend there was a bit of a comedy of errors - slept overnight in the airport as we were fogbound, got out the next afternoon but my bag didn't come with me :evil: , went to see Robbie Williams in the clothes I'd slept in, got soaked to the skin on the way back to the pub and lost my prescription sunglasses, had given up caring by this point so got very drunk :oops: .


so you had a good time then :lol::lol::lol:




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Cathy, your friend is going to have to check in at the airport and not online. This means with Ryanair that you'll have to pay according to their website. On-line check in is free but you have to have a passport :roll:


Have a look at this tho.....Ryanair are bumping up the prices for check in, baggage handling etc.


WARNING: Ryanair increases its ‘extra fees’. Ryanair has slammed up the charges for booking, making its ‘free flights’ even less free! If you check in online and take no carry-on baggage there are no costs. Yet if you want carry-on baggage you’ll need to check in costing £3 (was £2), and then it's £6 (was £5) per pre-organised bag and £12 (was £10) for additional bags. Plus now you pay £3 (was £2) to pay by credit card, £1 by debit card (was 70p) and £1 for Visa Electron (was free). The FlightChecker has been updated with the new charges.




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