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Ebay problem - advice pleeasse

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Funny seeing the other thread... maybe my case is why ebay made decision to only give positive feedback to buyers...


I need advice please... I bought an item on ebay from a seller that goes through many many sales a day... the item never turned up and I seem to have been one of the few unhappy customers... emailed them a few times, never got replies, initiated dispute in paypal, and the seller never replied to them either, so paypal solved this by refunding me... so far so good.

I left negative feedback for the seller saying they don't reply to emails. Now the seller, as revenge, left me negative feedback saying they have sent replacement (not received, and no email informing me or paypal as such), and that I should email them or ask for a refund rather than leave negative feedback... I also receive an email informing me that the seller would be happy to mutually withdraw both negative feedbacks...


I am very angry... this is just a seller who doesn't answer any emails for two months, but at the sight of the inevitable negative feedback then leaves a totally unjustified negative feedback to me (I always pay for ebay items the moment I buy them, and sent five emails with no replies), just so I would agree to withdraw mine...


Is there anything I can do about this? I don't think I should agree to withdraw, as what I said was fully justified and I had to go through the whole paypal dispute thing to get my money back...


Any advice much appreciated, thanks....

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Hi Ziggy,


This is maddening,isn't it?

You have my fullest sympathies.


OK, the seller IMHO deserved the neg you gave him - would have done the same myself.

You did the right thing by initiating a Paypal refund.

There is no way on earth that the seller did not know about your case as Paypal will have emailed him more than once.


If you had opened an ebay dispute & gone through their dispute process,his neg would not have affected your feedback score.

The thing to do is open the eBay dispute,let it run until a resolution is reached or the time is up (10 days I think),THEN go about claiming your Paypal refund..........

There is more info here



Don't go down the mutually withdraw route - as I say,he deserves it.


The best thing to do,as you cannot get the feedback withdrawn,is to respond to the feedback he left you with something like 'retaliatory feedback,never recieved ite,no contact from seller,avoid'


Thats what I would do anyhow.

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i would do that as well leave a message under his feedback, i always look at peoples feedback before i buy and i see it alot it never influences my decision if it is something like this . i had someone do it to me as well. they won an item then decided they wanted it cheaper and tried to knock me down. i said i would offer it to the next bidder as i wasnt willing to knock £10 off, they then paid and left me bad feedback. i didnt leave them any as i hate leaving bad feedback and i didnt want to get into some of the s"Ooops, word censored!"s you see in the feedback section. i now never give feedback for something i have sold untill they have left me feedback.

i must admit if i am unhappy with an item i do e-mail the seller and i have had a couple of refunds for damaged items or used items sold as new. i dont tend leave feedback for bad sellers as i know i will get a revenge negative. i know that feedabck is there to inform potential buyers but i just dont have the time (and dont want to get involved) in the tit for tat negatives and threatening e-mails etc (i once saw a positive feedback message that said' i have left a positive as the seller threatened to come around and smash my windows if i left a negative :shock::shock: ).

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i didnt leave them any as i hate leaving bad feedback and i didnt want to get into some of the s"Ooops, word censored!"s you see in the feedback section. i now never give feedback for something i have sold untill they have left me feedback.

But the thing is,if you don't then you are leacing this unscrupulous person to do exactly the same again :roll:

Especially if they have left feedback for you - what is the point of not reciprocating?


Also in my opinion the buyer should always leave feedback first,as more often than not its the only way the seller can tell if the transaction is complete.

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also in my opinion the buyer should always leave feedback first,as more often than not its the only way the seller can tell if the transactio[/color]n is complete.


I guess that's true...

I would not normally have left negative feedback, I had not done this before, and I didn't intend to get into a feedback war... I just left a very neutrally worded statement of the problems... when I look at ebay many people leave negative feedbacks in rough and rude way, or in very dramatic ways ('Beware... this is a conman' kind of stuff)... all I said was 'no replies received to any emails, resolved by paypal in my favour', and this guy leaves me feedback saying 'should have emailed instead of leaving negative feedback'...what is the good of keeping emailing someone who doesn't reply even to paypal?

I guess people just get resentful and just try to cause trouble to others for their own inefficiency... it makes me laugh to read the 'am happy to withdraw our comments if you so wish, thanks...'.... that goes right to show how the whole thing is just about blackmail...

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When I am selling on Ebay I usually leave feeback as soon as someone pays so that they know that their payment has been acknowledged and the item is on its way.


We had far more problems when selling just before Christmas than we normally do with all sorts of try on emails, and non payment. I think that now Ebay is so big the unscrupulous people are trying to cash in.


Under no circumstances withdraw your feedback, it was justified. I understand how you feel because I am very proud of my 100% feedback record but the feedback system warns others of possible problems and certainly helps me to decide whether or not to bid.

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When I am selling on Ebay I usually leave feeback as soon as someone pays so that they know that their payment has been acknowledged and the item is on its way.


I used to do that,but then I had 2 items lost in the mail & both buyers negged me .

Problem is you have to claim from the Royal mail & that can take weeks.

And then they only refund the actual value,not including the P&P you have charged,so if you pass that back on to your buyer,thay are short the p&p :roll:


The Royal mail are almost as bad as PC World to deal with :lol:


I also had a neg for an item being very late.....during the postal strikes :evil:


I now, as a seller, never leave feedback un;ess its left for me first.


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Under no circumstances withdraw your feedback, it was justified. I understand how you feel because I am very proud of my 100% feedback record but the feedback system warns others of possible problems and certainly helps me to decide whether or not to bid.


That's what I thought... without wanting to sound melodramatic myself, I'd rather keep the negative feedback than bow to someone who thinks it's ok to blackmail and manipulate his customers... The item was bought for a very small amount of money, the seller sells mainly electronic cables and chargers and so on, so I think he hopes people won't bother claiming money back as the amount is totally unimportant, but to me it's a question of honesty, if someone doesn't send an item and doesn't reply to emails and wastes my time as well as the time of people at paypal trying to chase him up, he deserves what negative feedback comes to him...

I'm probably deluding myself cause he gets many positive comments too, so the negative ones (and they all say 'no item and and no reply to emails') get drowned out...

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I had to claim for a lost item this time and it took a month to get it resolved, but i chose not to do it as an ebay claim. The item was a Nintendo DS game that I was selling for YD. We refunded the buyer and then found the game for sale online for a price that covered the postage cost and the sale price and sent a copy of the page to Royal Mail alond with the form and actually came out a few pence up on the deal. This may seem a bit harsh and dishonest to Royal Mail but after the hours that I spent standing in queues this year because there are no longer enough post offices i felt justified. I am also far from convinced that the buyer had not received the item but it is very hard to prove.

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I had a similar incident recently. I got my money back but they opened the dispute. I've never done a dispute before and it kept popping up whenever I logged onto ebay and the only way I could get rid of it was to hit ok

Which of course was me agreeing to a mutual withdrawal when really I wanted to kick off. I have got my money back now but I really don't want to leave feedback until they've left theirs as its all their fault and I dont want a bitter negative from them just because I've left a justifiable negative.Oh I hate ebay why do I do it to myself

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Don't go down the mutually withdraw route - as I say,he deserves it.


The best thing to do,as you cannot get the feedback withdrawn,is to respond to the feedback he left you with something like 'retaliatory feedback,never recieved ite,no contact from seller,avoid'


Thats what I would do anyhow.


ditto, same thing happened to me in he past so i just left a little comment under the ffedback they left saying more or less what sarah has advised.

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Well it looks like we all agree on this... I couldn't possibly consider withdrawing the feedback, it would be acting like I was guilty of something, which I am not.

I have replied to the negative comment he left me, as suggested here, and also mailed ebay's feedback abuse team, as I checked their policy on feedback and they might be able to withdraw the comment... not placing too much hope on that though, as they can only do that if it's immediately clear cut that there has been some wrong in the feedback, they don't have time to investigate each case individually...

Thanks everyone... I know I shouldn't let this kind of stuff get to me, but I can't help it... I'm still a naive person at heart, hoping and believing everyone is good and honest...

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no advice to offer I'm afraid, I am only an occasional ebayer. When I've read feedback like you describe above - buyer saying 'it never arrived' and the seller then responding 'we did everything properly, you didn't accept our offer' - I have always taken it at face value :shock: and thought 'oh, the buyer was being difficult'.


I'm a bit naive I know, it didn't occur to me that someone would lie outright in this to make the honest buyer look bad!


I must say I've been very lucky, the one time I got an item which wasn't as described I emailed the seller and she gave me a full refund - most of my ebay transactions have been problem free. It will make me a lot more cautious in future.

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Got a reply from ebay (that was rather quick)... it is a very long reply, saying they fully understand how frustrating this is as I acted all in good faith and still received negative feedback, but unfortunately their policy is not to withdraw any feedback that a member feels was left in retaliation...


I guess that goes together with the 'we can't investigate each case' in their policy too... they'd end up in a mess as I guess anyone could claim something was said against them 'just in retaliation'... they seemed to understand the query pretty well though, as I never mentioned 'retaliation' in my query to them, just explained why I had left feedback and what the seller then said in his feedback...


I guess I'm giving up now...


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Well it seems some of you had worse experiences than me!!

I have never sold anything on ebay, and have only bought roughly 15 things in the last two or three years, so I'm not exactly a veteran...


It must be terribly annoying when ebay makes mistakes too on top of a negative experience with another buyer/seller....


On a positive note, I found paypal really good... though that might have been helped by the fact that the seller didn't respond to them... I got a refund without any trouble at all...

Maybe the cost of the item wasn't worth my getting an unjustified negative feedback, but I still think I did right... there is no point in a feedback system if people are just going to be scared of leaving negative honest fair comments, for fear of blackmail and unfair reactions.


All this being said, this is not going to put me off ebay... at the end I lost no money, and most of my experiences there have been straight positive ones...

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I got negative feedback from a woman I won a Gameboy from. She never replied to my emails, gave Ebay fake contact details and took over 2 months to send it to me. She left neg f/b saying I took ages to pay. I responded with neg f/b too saying that I had paid immediately & she had cashed the cheque the same week. It still makes me cross that I don't have 100% :evil: .

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I got negative feedback from a woman I won a Gameboy from. She never replied to my emails, gave Ebay fake contact details and took over 2 months to send it to me.


If the contact details are fake,then that is one of the very few valid reasons that ebay will withdraw feedback - contact them, they should get rid of it for you :D

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If the contact details are fake,then that is one of the very few valid reasons that ebay will withdraw feedback - contact them, they should get rid of it for you :D


Not exactly fake, I suppose, but she'd given her boyfriend's mother's name and address (& she knew nothing about it till I phoned :shock:) . It was a good few years ago now so I'm almost over it :evil: . The thing that made me cross was that when I contacted the 5 other people she'd sold to, even though they'd left positive feedback, they all said that she was dodgy. So feedback's not always helpful or accurate.

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