Guest Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Here is the link to my website where you can see my new arrivals. They are not too batty - as in running around like demented headless chickens and jumping five feet in the air! I had a choice of lots and lots of quail - but decided on these as they were so docile. They are bit daft though - as I have been out in the dark to put them up into their penthouse suite. Full of fluffy Aubiose - and what do they do? Run back down the ramp like lemmings and snuggle up all together. I guess that is what they do in the wild. Mine are not tiny - but one of the largest of the quail breeds - nice and cuddly and plump Claret kindly loaned me her book last year and I read it from cover to cover and then thought about it for a year - before deciding to get them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin B Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 They're not all Japanese... Left a comment explaining that though! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Thanks Martin - but there were lots to choose from in different aviaries and I was assure that they were definitely Japanese The males were all larger than the one I chose and the same colouring dark - although they did have some lighter males. I chose the darkest so that I could distinguish him easily. The company is very reputable and has lots of aviaries off all sorts of birds, finches, parrots - exotics I will give them a call in the morning. If they do turn out to be Italian - then I am not bothered anyway. Will let you know how I get on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bronze Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Dilly I was told by a very good source (my egg supplier- Martin knows who) and several other people as well that Japanese and Italians are the same species, the only thing different is the colour so I wouldn't start worrying. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Thanks Bronze - I do trust the 'experts' Martin if you look at this link It shows lots of colours of Japanese quail and my girls are the paler stripey ones - and the male is the dark one. (Top row and bottom left corner pale ones - with a lovely creamy gold chest. I have a Japanese daughter in law -and when she is back from Japan I will get her to talk to them to see if they understand her Not taking the mickey Martin - just jesting dear. Thanks for your input xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 They look lovely Dilly! My OH isn't into chickens but I think he would like quail - I keep thinking about where we could have some and your aviary looks perfect! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Thank you snowy - did I 'see' you on ? My husband isn't into chickens or quail - but you would never guess with the chickens - he makes more of a fuss of them than I do. Inasmuch as he loves playing the Pied Piper when he goes out into the garden and is forever giving me detailed accounts of who did what and whom is where My quail are so easy to handle - and not as flighty as I had thought they would be. The aviary needs to be sited on slabs to prevent the usual vermin getting in or you need to use wire netting underneath. Mine are on slabs which were already there. Let me know how you get on Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Will do Dilly! I did venture onto P P briefly, but it isn't half as comfy as it is here! Although my OH also doesn't do chickens, they seem to get far more treats and allowed out to freerange far more when I am not around Men, eh! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin B Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Dilly I was told by a very good source (my egg supplier- Martin knows who) and several other people as well that Japanese and Italians are the same species, the only thing different is the colour so I wouldn't start worrying. Yes they originate from the same species, and there are more differences than just the colour, the japanese species have a tendency to be more canabalistic and the Italians are also smaller than the Japanese when fully grown. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin B Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 I do trust the 'experts' I breed Japs and Italians and I can definately tell the two apart! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin B Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 I'm not even joking.. but I think you might have an Italian male in there aswell as your japanese male, but I would need to see a closer picture! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xChicken04x Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 Love the quail! I'm extremely jealouse What are you planing to do with them? Breed them? Eat them? Or keep them as layers/pets? We are planing to keep quail this year Californias & Italian (obviously in different pens). Where did you get the house from? I saw one like that but have forgotten the website . xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Funnily enough I spotted the run >>>here<<< when I was looking for more chickens! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 ** here ** are some pics of the possible colours available in Japanese quail. The possibilites are endless! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin B Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Californias Why have you chosen the Californians? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin B Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Martin if you look at this link Just seen the link and people on there are labelling their Italians as Japanese too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xChicken04x Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Californias Why have you chosen the Californians? We would like a wide variety of quail to breed and sell. We are starting with Italian/Japanese and Californias to get used to having different breeds. xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin B Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Sounds like a good plan. I keep away from Californians as their egg laying season is very restricted! Martin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xChicken04x Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Sounds like a good plan. I keep away from Californians as their egg laying season is very restricted! Martin Aaaah but if you provide extra lighting and keep tempratures over 60 degrees then they can lay up to 200 eggs per year All you would need is a heat lamp I did some re-search and apparently they only lay from April-May. But there has been Californian quail eggs on eBay since January. I will email them later on and ask how they do it.....I may be gone some time..... xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suz'sQ Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Dilly I was told by a very good source (my egg supplier- Martin knows who) and several other people as well that Japanese and Italians are the same species, the only thing different is the colour so I wouldn't start worrying. Yes they originate from the same species, and there are more differences than just the colour, the japanese species have a tendency to be more canabalistic and the Italians are also smaller than the Japanese when fully grown. It makes me dispair that you still insist your opinion is fact Martin - Japs & Italians DONT originate from the same species - the ARE the same species, just different plumage colour. I have 2 other issues with your statement - Firstly,I don't know how you've been keeping your quail, but in the year I've breeding Japs in most colour mutations I've never come across any canabalism - If kept in the correct enviorment theres no need for this sort of problems to arise - have you actually witnessed these canabalistic tendancies or are you simply spouting second/third hand lore of the internet??? Secondly - the size difference comment - There should be no size difference between Normal coloured Japs & Golden Japs - Japs of all colours come in 3 sizes - mini 4-5 oz, standard 8-9oz & jumbo/giant 12-16oz. If you find your quail arent reaching these sort of weights then check your egg supplier/breeder - small birds are usually a sign of intensive inbreeding & poor living conditions. Hope this helped to clear up some of the quail myths that are flying about Suz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dogmother Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Awww, I can't wait to see them at Easter Dilly. Rosie will be delighted too. You should see Dilly's OH guys.... he pretends to be indifferent to the chooks, but then calls them over to have the s"Ooops, word censored!"s from his plate He's soft as socks really! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Very informative and helpful SuzyQ. Thanks for that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olly Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 ooh Dilly they look very cute - thought you'd been quiet lately! Are you just hoping for eggs, are you going to breed them or, um, any other purpose? I love the quail penthouse too. I look forward to reading about their exploits, they surely can't be as entertaining as your bantams but I'm sure there will be some conversation from them! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Have just had a look at your blog Dilly (always a pleasure). What a lovely palace you have for your quail. Masses of space and plenty of headroom so that they don't knock themselves out when they leap into the air! Your grandson is going to love them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
craftyhunnypie Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 what on earth do quail eat? How often do they lay & what do the eggs taste like - are they strong tasting? DO you have to provide nesting boxes like you do for chickens? DO they go bed at dusk, need rooting bars & a run? Can you mix male & female? Sorry, but I'm planning something here! Emma.x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...