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Guest Debs13

Crocs in the new Nickelback Video

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I love Rock Star, I love it it is so tongue in cheek, not that Chris 'the gob' Moyles can see this and keeps going on about how bad it is and even did one of his parodies of it yesterday which are sometimes funny but this was not.


The BBC will insist on bleeping half of the words out though very annoying :evil:


Hubby bought the album for me a couple of weeks ago great driving and dishwashing music, obviously not at the same time :lol:

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Apparently there is a great version on you tube our local radio station played it last week it is fab called popstar I will try and find it later on and post a link really funny about the Paris Hilton Britney Spears type music and young girls with pushy parents :lol:


Lover the nickleback one too must buy the album to see if my made up words for the bleeps are correct :lol:

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