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baby bears mum

how many of a breed can I have in an eglu please?

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:D Hi. I'm new to all this so please bear with me.


Am contemplating getting an Eglu (OH needs persuading - he's a good old country boy who thinks all they need is feed and shelter!)(I suppose he's got a bit of a point but my daughter and I think they should have it in style!!!!).


We were wondering how many chooks you keep in an eglu. I know they say 3 to 4 but what size do you think? We have just looked at Black Rocks at the moment. We are in Mid-Wales and are finding it difficult to find anything else.


Anyway thanks for taking the time to read this and all advice gratefully received.



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Welcome to the forum. :lol:


I would add a converter to the run, (and possibly an extension too) if you are considering more than 2 in the Eglu.


Black Rocks can be quite big and the basic Eglu run would not be sufficient for 3 or 4 full sized ones.


If you are going to allow them out to free range for longish periods, then I think 3 would manage in the basic run.


Good luck....I hope you find what you want. :lol:

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Ditto to what Egluntine says. 4 will be ok in the eglu itself (I have 2 eglus and all 5 hens insist on sleeping in one :roll: ) but its the run size you need to consider.


When I go away, i have 2 hens in the standard run and eglu and 3 hens in the extended run and eglu. Mine do free range most days.


Welcome to the forum by the way! :D

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Hi all. Thanks very much for the advice - it is gratefully received.


My daughter and I are really keen to get invovled in keeping a few chickens but am still having to persuade OH. He's a country boy and doesn't get what all the fuss is about after all its only a couple of chooks. We'll get round him never fear!!!!


Love the forum there is such a lot of brill advice.


Thanks again.





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Hi everyone.


Have finally found somewhere that has a variety of chickens and took my daughter there for a day out - great fun. We are now thinking of a Light Sussex, a Buff Sussex and possibly a Rhode Island Red.


Does that sound Ok to you.


Am slowly winning OH around so am doing a lot of research in anticipation of an eglu and some ladies.


Thanks for all your help.




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Blimey you lot are really quick aren't you. You are all stars thanks very much. :clap:


Do you know what? :think:


To heck with it. :idea:


I'm off to order a purple (daughter's favourite colour) Eglu.

OH always says "just have what you want" and I think it's reverse psychology because it has the opposite effect!!! He just doesn't get that they can't be in the garden shed! That's pretty much what his family used to do.


Anyway look out Omlet here I come!!!!!!! :dance:


Thank you all.







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Wow Helen,


That was a quick decisive move.... Congrats on ordering your eglu.


I don't have any experience of the breeds you've mentioned. But I've got 4 hybrid chickens comfortably in my eglu. I originally just bought the standard run but after a few weeks I ordered the converter (which is the first extention you buy) to add to the run.


So glad it's arriving quickly (I had to wait an agonising 4 weeks for mine).

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