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Oxo cube alternative

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I only just discoved while browsing the back of a packet of oxo cubes yesterday that they contain MSG. I really would like to stop using them but dont know what to use instead. I have limited freezer space so cant really go making big batches of stock. I normally just use it to help flavour things like mince when doing spag bol, and sprinking over roasts etc. What else can I use instead?

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Have you tried just using soy sauce :?


Mind you it may have MSG in it too I will have to look now :lol:


My dad is a pain for refusing to eat things that don't look right (in his opinion :evil: ) so when making stews etc if they aren't quite brown enough I stick a glug of sauce in and he never notices :lol:

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i got some "organic prime beef premium stock cubes" stock cubes from Asda the other day, they are made by "Balance Foods" and have no MSG in them. They were reduced from 50p to 25p too so i got 2 packets :D


they may not be on the stock cube shelf, check the organic shelf in your supermarket.

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Ali I bought them in Tesco as Chookiehen said but this last lot I bought in the Spey Larder in Aberlour - its a fantastic deli and has all things special. I Love(hate) going in there as I spend so much on all sorts - special teas, australian liquorice, venison and cranberry sausages etc etc.


Did a Tesco online search and they are there including the vegetable ones Ali

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Ali I bought them in Tesco as Chookiehen said but this last lot I bought in the Spey Larder in Aberlour - its a fantastic deli and has all things special. I Love(hate) going in there as I spend so much on all sorts - special teas, australian liquorice, venison and cranberry sausages etc etc.


Did a Tesco online search and they are there including the vegetable ones Ali


I will look in the organic part of Elgin Tesco, I had been looking at the stock cube section :roll: Our online deliveries come from the Forres branch :roll:


Might have to have a trip to the deli in Aberlour, sounds like my kind of shop 8)

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