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I bought a really cheap Blueberry bush from Wollies last week.

Apparantly its dormant at the moment (it says 'shhhhh,sleeping plant on it') but I want to know what sort of compost it will need when I pot it on in a couple of months?

I seem to remember that they need something special :?


I also got a Kiwi & a thornless Blackerry, all cheap as anything 8)

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I wouldn't have thought so


Apparantly I live in one of the driest parts of the country according to RHS "Essex is situated in one of the driest areas of the United Kingdom ". As I'm in walking distance of Hyde Hall I guess my heavy rainfall times must hit them too!!!


I planted my blueberry in regular multi purpose compost then read 2 days later it should be in eracacious - as I had a bag left over from planting magnolias I dug him up and replanted him.

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They need ericaceous compost Sarah, then they do really went. Most garden centres sell small bags of it.


Same goes for black and red currants.


The blue berry leaves turn a lovely red in autumn :D


Black and redcurrants all thrive up my allotment - and not in ericaceous soil. In fact in all my xxxxx years I have never planted the currants in ericaceous soil - only blueberries - which is a MUST :D

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When I was a child in the peak district, we used to walk up the lane by the house to the top of the moors and pick wild growing winberries (blueberries). The heath used to be covered in them in summer so we would just lie in the sun eating berrys 8) Just had to be careful we didn't pick up a rabbit current by mistake :oops::lol:

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blueberries grow naturally high in the mountains and so really need a different ph to their soil, they simply will not thrive otherwise and crops will be poor.


other fruit bushes tend not to be so fussy and brambles etc will grow anywhere at all :lol:

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You may or may not get fruit this year - I bought 3 year old bushes from the Dorset Blueberry Company, and they were only ready to fruit in their 3rd year. I have an 'early' blueberry and a 'middle season' blueberry, both are potted in ericaceous compost, although I think really (as they are now coming into their 6th year) it's time to plant them out.

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