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Right Girls - Hair washing and not doing it with shampoo

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Sounds like you two are coming through the other side, how about Sheila?


A neighbour commented yesterday that Rosie and i always have nice shiny hair, so I let her in on the secret. Although I do shampoo very infrequently, i mostly rinse and go longer between rinsing now too. I still sometimes put some conditioner on the ends as I have it coloured and it knackers the hair. Whe Rosie has been swimming, I rinse it thoroughly and use spray-on conditioner.

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We're quite a powerful group of people really aren't we? Spreading the message in lots of ways! 8):)


My hair is now coloured but still wet. I am going to try to get it cut this week too, while it is in a good state!


I have realised another benefit of just using water! No gungey conditioner all over the shower doors! I had completely forgotten about this particular bain until I had to use conditioner today and then rub it of the doors. I am thrilled about this! :D Easier cleaning! :D

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I'am glad it went well, do you dye your own hair :?: , do you need to shampoo to have your hair coloured :?: Does it have to be grease free. After you washed with shampoo what was it like,did it feel very different :?: and are you going back to no poo after your hair cut :?:


Sorry it's all questions but i'am curious, as you've probably guessed i don't dye i'm just going grey :( . Ahh, old age, it comes to us all :lol:

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Yes, I colour my own hair, but try to match my natural colour.


No, I didn't shampoo first.

The colour seems to have taken very well :shock:


I had to use conditioner afterwards.


I am amazed at how quickly my hair has dried! It feels just like it usually does after colouring, a bit co"Ooops, word censored!" and dry.


Your hair doesn't look at all grey, but I think blonde hair is more forgiving than my very dark hair!


I am not going to use shampoo or conditioner and hope that my hair copes with today's abuse really easily and quickly.

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Thanks for that Ginette, I hope you don't mind me being nosey :oops: . So you didn't shampoo, i supose the dye is drying and maybe this removes the oils :?: . It will be interesting to see how quickly the drieness goes.


I'm not a blondie, I'm a ginger nut :)

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I'm getting my colour done again on Saturday (I am almost totally grey underneath :shock: ). I am also going to go for a new, shorter cut.


I thought your hair was quite short anyway Claret? With really short hair, you'll be able to manage even longer without shampoo. Certainly the men seem to have had absolutely no problem at all, they just stopped!


My turn to ask questions - how often do you have your hair coloured? How much does it cost? Why do you choose to have it done rather than do it yourself? (I hope I don't sound too nosey :shock: I've just never had mine done)

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It is fairly short (having been to both extremes before), but I am thinking this sort of style




Not that I look anything like Sienna Miller!


Votes on the style, please!


I have it done about every couple of months, and get a good deal from my hairdresser as he's a mate. Don't know whay I don't do it myself - good point actually! I suppose because before it's always been a mixture of colours and that needs to be done professionally and i just got into the habit.


I must say that oil hasn't been a problem at all, but that's probably just early menopause! :roll:

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Thanks guys - I'll go for it and post some photos.

:roll: Just to make me feel really insecure about my hair, whilst you'll be looking fab! :lol::wink:

Only teasing, it'll look great on you, Claret 8)

Great to see Louise & Anne going well too.

I think I've reached a relatively good stage too, at 8 weeks. The past few days have been better than usual, but then I haven't rinsed it since the successful bicarb. I shall still dread each rinse until the whole thing always goes to plan, it's still too unpredictable. However, I feel as if it's definitely improving, I just want to be confident at not getting unexpected terrible days.

Ginette, my dear. We've been together all this way, but I can probably let go of your hand now! I'm glad you went ahead with the colouring, if that's what you needed to do, I'd do the same. Will you keep up this long term, and just colour when needed, or did you intend to stop?

It's been a great experiment, and for me I think I will have changed forever. (With colours along the way when they become necessary :wink: )

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Clare - I watched Coronation Street tonight :oops: and it looked to me as if Deirdre Barlow is trying to sport that hairstyle! :shock: I'm sure it will look better on you! :D:D

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I rinsed this morning BEFORE work :shock:


This was the first time I haven't used conditioner on the ends and I am really pleased with the result it feels very soft 8)


I was nervous as it still wasn't quite dry when I left the house but it is fine now and no-one has commented so it can't look too bad :shock::lol:


I really think I am almost there :wink:

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Clare - I watched Coronation Street tonight :oops: and it looked to me as if Deirdre Barlow is trying to sport that hairstyle! :shock: I'm sure it will look better on you! :D:D


:lol::lol: Thanks Ginette! I think :? (who's Deidre Barlow?)


Well done Sheila, sounds like you're coming out the other side now. It's very damp heer this morning, so fluffy hair all round I think. I rinsed mine when I got back from circuits last night, it's always better when I've slept on it.

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So, I'll just talk to myself about my hair, you all carry on & turn this into a Corrie thread :roll::roll::wink:

I do watch Corrie, partly as an escape from real life, and partly as something to do whilst waiting for my hair to dry... :lol::wink:

PS. I'm not really upset. :wink:

Except, no one cares about my hair, on the hair topic. :lol::twisted:

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:D Rain makes my hair look better. I should warm some in a pan for rinsing.

Just recording that I rinsed with vinegar this morning and it still looked OK, no more hiding on rinsing day!


I really think that is why I am suffering less with this - chemical free water is the only difference :?


Mind you I will be doing alot of work showering again W/B 22 May so we will see what that does :roll:

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