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2 new arrivals!

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I've been to Merrydale Poultry today to treat myself to an early birthday prezzie.

Here are Doris (on the left) and Daisy (on the right) my new Merrydale cresteds. Sorry the piccies are rather large :oops:



I'm going for the all in together method of introducing :shock: All is ok so far a lot of shouting and a bit of feather pulling but nothing too drastic.

I hope they settle in well and I might be lucky enough to get some of the elusive blue/green eggs too :D

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Yes CockADoodleDoo, they're a cream legbar hybrid. They seem to come under so many names, skylines, jasmines, columbines and merrydale cresteds.

It's a breed that I really like the look of, they come in so many shades and colour combinations and I love the crested hairdo too.

They've had a good day so far with my other girls. They're keeping their distance but a few of my original girls have got quite close.

Not too stressful at all today.

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Moochoo, I've met their sister today! My friend went to Merrydale yesterday and came back with 6 chooks, one is a crested. I went to see them today - the crested looks just like your darker girl, very pretty! 8) I bought one from her last year - she is much paler colouring and lays turquoise eggs! 8)

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I wasn't expecting to have so much choice in the cresteds but we went for a more developed two in the hope that they'd integrate better into our flock. Plus they're both crouching so hopefully we'll be getting eggies soon :D

Snowey, I hope your friend enjoys their sister, our two seem so friendly already!

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