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Worried about dad ..... and mum

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Your poor mum!


Is she sure it's those neighbours that have complained?


It seems unlikely, given that they have been creating mess themselves and that they have an apparently "illegal" extension.


It wouldn't surprise me to find that someone else complained, and maybe they complained about her neighbours and the Council got the wrong house.


My eldest step son was horrified to receive a formal notice from the Council telling him they had received formal complaints, been round to check the situation, and that he had to get his dog sorted out as it was causing a noise nuisance. He doesn't have any pets at all!

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Maybe their gardener decided to leaflet the neighbourhoodwhilst he was in the area.


Seems the most likely explanation tbh.


Did you actually see the men with clipboards?


Is your mum a council tenant?


If not then the condition of her front garden, unless full of wrecked cars and discarded fridges, would not be any conern of theirs.

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I knew I should've waited till I'd seen mum today, before posting :roll::roll::roll: .


Guess what? She admitted she has no proof it was the neighbours. I said perhaps they were coming to assess you for getting your wheelie bins moved for you by the binmen? Yes, possibly, she says.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh :roll::roll::roll:


She says the neighbours put a letter through her door asking her to "get her garden back to the state it used to be in". Asked if I could see it. "I've been looking for it, I can't find it."


So, I take it all back. I'm not on her side - she's still making up stories left right and centre to suit herself.


Oh, and she was very pleased last week that an old biddy stopped and spoke to her while she was digging in the garden and said "I live at No. 21, pop by for a cup of tea". Mum did (surprisingly) but instead of being pleased someone's been friendly, she "Ooops, word censored!"ed about her to me today. " She wasn't the person I thought she was [eh? :shock: ]. I didn't like her at all. Her house is very odd - it's obviously been built on on a bit of someone else's garden". Total rubbish, I drove past it and it's a perfectly normal semi-detached house which has been there since I was small.


I should know by now not to believe a word she says about anything.

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I can't actually believe the conversation I just had with my mum. I'm putting it in this "blog" so I don't forget what she said - I'd think I was imagining it otherwise :? .


After listening to her bleat and winge for some time I told her the sad news that the 16 year old daughter of some friends of ours (and a classmate of ES's) had died.


She doesn't read the papers any more so hadn't seen it reported. She asked how it happened (we don't know yet) then said something like "well, that's good" or "that's lucky". I said "what's good?" thinking maybe she meant that the poor girl died peacefully in her sleep. "Well, the world's not a very nice place to be now". :shock::shock:


I said I don't think a 16 year old would think that and her parents certainly wouldn't think that. "Well, wouldn't you be happy to die at your age (46)?" she asked me.


Just how self-absorbed and unfeeling would you have to be to respond to the death of a 16 year old girl in that way?


Although I usually know how she'll respond to certain things, I am totally shocked at this.

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Well, at least now I know I'm right not to tell her about my birth mum's death.


The funeral's next Thursday in Norfolk so we're driving down Wednesday night, staying overnight in a Travelodge near Kings Lynn, then staying the night of the funeral in the hotel my mum & her husband ran (where I would've been brought up if I'd not been adopted :? ). They sold it to a lovely couple who are letting us have one (or possibly two) rooms for nothing :shock::) .


I've got a story concocted about going to school camp at the end of next week rather than tell mum the truth :roll: . Previous experience has taught me honesty is not the best policy :? .

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Oh dear families can be so trying and it sounds like you have more to put up with than most.


You are so generous with your help and advice on this forum and its a real shame that we can appreciate your goodness but your own mum can't :(


I hope the funeral is isn't too hard on you


hugs x

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I think your Mum's response to your news was not unusual for someone with mental health problems like hers. It's always about them unfortunately. :shock::shock::shock:


I am so sorry, Vicki. :(


But, what a lovely response from the people who bought your birth mum's hotel. It shows just what nice people there are in this world. I hope the trip goes as well as it can do in this situation and I totally agree you are right to hide the truth from your Mum.



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I've not posted for a bit but am feeling a bit fed up with mum today so hope you don't mind another rant :( .


She's been pretty good (for her) and quite nice to me over the last couple of months however she's still extremely negative about everything and everybody and the end of the world is still nigh (but just for her, obviously, not anybody else :roll: ).


She moans about the cost of the home constantly (fair enough but what am I supposed to do about it :roll: ) and tells everyone she can't afford to heat her house. She wears 4 layers of clothing and has one fan heater in the living room. They aren't short of money really (although their savings are obviously going down rapidly :( ). She insists some woman from BUPA is sorting something out so they can pay hugely reduced fees for dad. This seems unlikely and I'm a bit sceptical but I'll wait and see.


However, today she phoned in a right state saying she's NEVER going to the nursing home EVER AGAIN. I asked if something had happened this morning and she said no, but she can't stand to spend another minute "in that place". Dad didn't recognise her and the lounge was full of ALL the residents and ALL the staff (she couldn't tell me why though :? ). "The next time I see dad will be at his cremation or mine if I go first." :roll::roll:


I think she dreams things and then gets them mixed up with real visits and things people have said and concocts awful scenarios which get her in a right tizzy.


I said not to worry about visiting dad so often, I can go in more often and that she should have a break. "What would I have to get up for then?" she said. Aargh :evil: .


Her parting words were "don't be surprised if I suddenly disappear to Switzerland". I told her she'd better renew her passport then :twisted: . It's ridiculous, if she really wanted to be dead (as she constantly says) she doesn't have to go to Switzerland. I'm sorry if I'm sounding callous but I'm just sick of it.


I feel a bit better now, thanks :) .

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There's not an awful lot I can say, you cant win can you :!: your always stuck between a rock and a hard place with your mum. It must be very emotionally draining

I just want you to know I think given the circumstances and what you have to put up with you are marvelous. I would have cracked and bumped her off myself by now



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There's not an awful lot I can say, you cant win can you :!: your always stuck between a rock and a hard place with your mum. It must be very emotionally draining

I just want you to know I think given the circumstances and what you have to put up with you are marvelous. I would have cracked and bumped her off myself by now




I'm with Kate on this and how you haven't totally cracked up I don't know (by totally I don't mean that you're a bit cracked up - you know what I mean don't you) :roll::D


I spent an evening and about an hour one afternoon last week with some relatives. One does have medical problems but the other one just needs to get off her you know what and get a life before life passes her by. All they did was moan, it is so, so draining.


How you have put up with your mum this long I don't know.


Sending big virtual hugs to you.

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