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Guest Poet

had a lovely day, must be all those positive vibes

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we went to a new farmers market about 5 minutes away from us at a local garden centre. It's the first one there so there were only about a dozen stalls but we managed to come away with 4 lbs of beautiful braising steak, various chutneys (couldn't resist as they were delish), some quince cheese (which is like a jam but I thought it tasted like Turkish Delight but lovely whatever) and some honey roasted nuts.


Hopefully they'll have more stalls next time but with it being the first one, I suppose they're testing the water.


Then we went for a pub lunch with mum and dad. Dad looked brighter and enjoyed his meal and we had a nice chat. Good to see him looking well and tucking into his lunch. We were trying not to think about next week, we'll deal with that if and when.


Then we went to a local small holding/farm just round the corner from us. They have a large field of free range hens which we can see from the road as we drive past. They're doing their own home bred lambs now so we've ordered 1/2 a lamb for Easter weekend.


It was really nice to be able to buy fresh, home grown/home made produce within 5 minutes of where we live!


Then came home and let the girls out for a bit and Bea and I had a cuddle again and she woofed a load of sultanas.


They're all back in ther run now and Ian and I are chilling in front of the TV. Just got an email to say I can have the wild strawberry plants, and a cple of books I asked for on freecycle; The cottagers companion by d s savage and small scale poultry keeping by ray feltwell.


That's my kind of day :D

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Thats nice to hear Poet - you deserve a fab day :lol: try for another one tomorrow!!


we're off to see sis and her OH on the boat so will try, thanks :D

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That IS a lovely day Poet. I must say whenever I come back from my local farmers market I always feel like the sun has shone (even if it hasn't)

I always end up spending far too much money - but somehow it feels justified :wink:

The 'quince cheese' sounds nice - must look out for that one.

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Glad you've had a nice day Poet! 8)

Quince are really easy to grow - I used to have a japanese quince in the front garden but it got too overgrown and had to go. It was very thorny by produced beautiful red flowers and golden quince fruits.

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...The 'quince cheese' sounds nice - must look out for that one.


I've found a recipe here http://www.recipecottage.com/fruits/quince-paste04.html


just need to grow some quince now, no idea how to, but will find out :lol:


Thanks for the recipe poet. I will look out for a quince plant/bush when I am next at the garden centre (OH - isn't going to like this forum)

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I adore the Quince Cheese I get from the Henley farmers market - look out for some Spanish Manchego cheese to go with it - heaven 8)


Glad you had a good day.

Sometimes the best days are those spent simply happily pottering about at our own pace,doing something that makes us happy :P

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thank you :D


Ian just made me laugh, he's just gone out to tuck the girls in and he just came into the living room and said "look who's come to see you" and he had Bea in his arms so I gave her a cuddle and a few more sultanas and he's put her to bed now.




Just off to turn the heating on now, brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Might have some crumpets and jam for tea and a glass of wine shortly, can't manage a big tea after that pub lunch! :lol:

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today has almost been too good to be true. Just been having a lovely e mail conversation with the person from freecycle who we're getting the plants and books from. She used to keep chickens and geese years ago and I was telling her about our girls and I sent her some photos and she said I've made her feel broody and she's wondering now if she should get some more chickens! :lol:


We're taking her some chicken poo for her garden and some eggs when we go to pick up our freebies.


I hope the vibes don't wear off for next week, I feel like I've used them all up in one day!



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today has almost been too good to be true. Just been having a lovely e mail conversation with the person from freecycle who we're getting the plants and books from. She used to keep chickens and geese years ago and I was telling her about our girls and I sent her some photos and she said I've made her feel broody and she's wondering now if she should get some more chickens! :lol:


We're taking her some chicken poo for her garden and some eggs when we go to pick up our freebies.


I hope the vibes don't wear off for next week, I feel like I've used them all up in one day!




They are slow release vibes Poet, they keep on working for a long time! 8)

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