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All of the world's problems are caused by........

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Tesco :shock:


I stumbled across this site today.


I have long been concerned about Tesco branching into everything in an attempt to close every other company and particularly small business down, but this was still a bit of an eye opener!


It is not just Tesco the site is agin, but they seem to be the most heinous and evil of the four dictator stores. And they spy on you too


Have a look and see what you think.





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My OH told me about this site a while ago. Since then, I only go to Tesco if there is absolutely no alternative. They make me so :x


I try to use small shops, such as greengrocers etc where I can, but if I have to do a supermarket shop (and to be honest, who doesn't), I use the Co-op. I think they are the most ethically sound of the major chains.

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Via a link from the above site i found this....




It is a list of companies that the 'ethical consumer' website supports in terms of botcotting them.


I didnt realise that L'Oreal was 26% owned by Nestle and they have recently bought out the body shop :shock:


I really dont like Nestle at all!

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  theherd123 said:

I didnt realise that L'Oreal was 26% owned by Nestle and they have recently bought out the body shop :shock:


I couldn't believe it when Ms Roddick sold The Body Shop to L'Oreal :evil: The list of companies to boycott made me feel a bit guilty, I buy a fragrance from The Body Shop because it is the only perfume that doesn't effect my stupid

sensitive skin and Superdrug is the only shop I know that stocks a couple of products that I use regularly, so I can't see myself boycotting them :oops:



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Where we live Tesco's is the only supermarket and it's rapidly growing :evil: :evil:


We used to have 2 corner shops within 10 mins walking distance but they are now both Tesco Express and I've just heard that another Tesco Express is being built :shock: :shock:


There was a small M&S in town but they left over 12 years ago and have no intention of returning. Our Coop was pulled down and turned into flats.


Heard the other day that as part of the local regeneration project we are going to be lucky residents (not) and getting an Asda :evil::evil:


Our next nearest supermarkets are 10 miles away and they are guess what........an even bigger Tescos :x :x a Sainsburys :) and fortunately a small Waitrose :dance: :dance: where you can normally find me (unless I've used Ocado)

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  Charlottechicken said:
I think that the Body Shop is run as a standalone company, a bit like Green and Blacks, whose parent company is Cadbury's.



I knew Body Shop was owned by L'Oreal/Nestle, but didn't know about G&Bs! Is nothing sacred? (although I don't think Cadbury's are as bad as Nestle, are they? :? )

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Cadbury's don't promote bottle feeding in third world countries as far as I'm aware, so no...they aren't as bad.


It is really hard for people like Pam, who realistically have no option but to shop at Tesco because of Geography and logisitcs.


Many people aren't bothered, but for those who would wish to shop differently, it is a real predicament.

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My parents live in a beautiful place which is a collection of small villages on the edge of the Pennines where for decades life has revolved around the village high street which contains a group of family run shops - baker, butcher, florist, chemist etc. The people who run the shops know virtually everyone in the villages and are aware if Mrs. Jones hasnt been in that week for her usual prescription and someone will drop it round to her and check she is ok etc etc


Tesco bought an old mill next to the canal and are now opening a HUGE superstore :evil:

There was MUCH opposition, so much so that the final decision on it being converted was left to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott who granted permission for Tesco to go ahead! :evil:


Somehow i cant imagine Tesco giving a damn about personal service or caring for the people they serve in their community.


PROFIT PROFIT PROFIT seems to be their motto! :x

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  Egluntine said:


It is really hard for people like Pam, who realistically have no option but to shop at Tesco because of Geography and logisitcs.



I'm just grateful Ocado/Waitrose deliver..........even my neighbours are now thinking of using them (having see the Ocado van delivering to me each week) because we all hate Tesco's dominance in our area :x:x


Didn't know that G&B was owned by Cadbury's..........may have to rethink my consumption :think: :think: ........On the choccy front we are very lucky that we have Montezumas ( www.montezumas.co.uk )....an organic chocolate company that started a few years ago and is based very locally :D:D:D May now have to have all my choccie fix from them :roll::wink::lol:

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These links have been very interesting- I've been reading "How to be free" by Tom Hodgkinson this week and he has a chapter on "live free of the supermarkets" In it he quotes a cartoon in Private Eye which showed a shope giving directions:


"You'll find us on the High street, between Tesco's and Tesco's"


Says it all really....


I dislike having choice taken away from me, and being dictated to by massive companies...


we very happily did a shop at a farm shop on Sat morning for fresh meat and veg for the weekend, and just did our Ocado shop to last us 2 weeks with top ups at our local co-op.


I am trying very hard to avoid the Sainsbury's and Tesco Metro locally 8)

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I must admit I am a bit of a Waitrose'ecado fan. I genuingly think that they give the farmers a better rate of pay. I read the waitrose 'chicken' produce leaflet the other day. At least the chickens look happy and healthy (before they get to waitrose)

The cows in the field next to me go on there 'holidays' to waitrose.

When I can I do try to go to the local farmes market.

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  crazygal said:
These links have been very interesting- I've been reading "How to be free" by Tom Hodgkinson this week and he has a chapter on "live free of the supermarkets"


Snap I have just finished reading this book too. I gave it to DH to read and after he'd read it he suggested that we try and boycott all supermarkets :shock: In principal I am fine about this, we already use local butcher (freerange) local veggie shops, bakery, fishshop etc., but where will

we buy tins of dog food, washing powder?? To buy these in little independent corner shops would be mega expensive :( It is an ethical dilemma. I can recommend the book highly, very inspirational in parts.



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Hi Tessa- I have just collected together my Ocado bags to hand back to the driver later 8) little things make me feel happy!!


As for dog food/washing powder- well I bought a massive sack of Ecover washing powder from Scats Countrystores when we were getting things for the chickens- I think they may have sold other brands as well (and cheaper than the supermarkets as you can buy in bulk).


Cat food is more of a problem for us as our cat is 10 and only eats Go Cat Senior which I am sure contains chicken which will most definitely not be free range :cry: so an ethical dilemma there for me...

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  crazygal said:
Cat food is more of a problem for us as our cat is 10 and only eats Go Cat Senior which I am sure contains chicken which will most definitely not be free range :cry: so an ethical dilemma there for me...


Same problem here. Dog is 16 now and will only eat Pedigree Chum, god

knows what it contains :shock: It is more important to me to keep the dog

alive and eating well than to insist on buying a more ethical product. I guess

none of us can be perfect we just have to do the very best we can. I am going to search and see if I can find a fairly local food co-operative and buy a lot of stuff in bulk, maybe share it with neighbours/friends, and then keep the supermarket shopping down to the bare minimum.



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