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What type of chicken is this?

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I have no idea what breed the chicken is but would just like to say that I have been to Hoar Park and thought it was a great place. We took our grand daughter and she loved feeding all the chooks and my husband and I really enjoyed seeing all the different breeds.

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We enjoyed feeding the animals, chickens and ducks too, though it was very cold and windy. There is a nice range of shops. They had a lovely tiny baby goat in the inside "nursery", which was so cute. My daughter especially liked Marlon the pig. Here he is waiting for food to be dropped into his (very large) mouth...



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I very nearly bought one, but then I noticed that although this one looked OK, a lot of their chickens had inturned feet, so I wasn't sure about the quality of the breeding stock. As we've got some Araucanas coming in a few weeks, I resisted, but it was very tempting. :?

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Link works fine, though you have to scroll down a bit.


Definitely a similar pattern - probably similar genetics, just different parent breeds. Stunning bird, though! Up there with the silver laced wyandotte when it comes to having a really striking pattern without being gaudy :)

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