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Egg boxes that hold 4 eggs?

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I'm after some pretty egg boxes that hold only 4 eggs. I like to give eggs away but don't always have enough to give 6 away so would like the boxes that just hold 4 eggs. Obviously there are the omlet ones but they aren't pretty and they're fairly expensive compared to some.


Also do you give away your freshest eggs or the oldest ones? I always give away the freshest because otherwise I feel mean but what do others do?

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Terry's Chocolate orange use to make individual "hen-sized" filled eggs for Easter. My OH loves them and they come in boxes of 4 in plain orange. I thought this year I'd get him a huge supply and take the choccie eggs out of the boxes and use them for my hen's eggs - but I couldn't find them anywhere. I suppose Terry's had the same problem sourcing the 4 egg box like us!

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try experimenting with cutting up big egg trays, and tying top and base together with raffia/ ribbon, etc; friends want the eggs, and the packaging is an extra that goes where????

I think that's a really good idea freddie. The cut up egg trays would be easy to paint bright colours and decorate.


I always give away the freshest eggs just in case they aren't eaten straight away.

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That's a great idea, Freddie :D . I've been experimenting with making a "net" using Word to make an egg box but it's too much of a faffle.


I think I'll save the brown paper bags I get with my fruit & veg box & tart them up with a label or string or something :D .


(The art dept at school has loads of large egg trays - I'm sure they wouldn't miss a few :wink: .)

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I think you mean these ones from Flyte so Fancy Elaine..




I bought them a while back. As i have four girls i thought it made sense


With Postage it comes to £9.50 for 40. Which is almost 24p a carton. Plain blue.

Omlet with postage comes to £6.40 for 20. Which is 32p a carton. Omlet design on grey.


I split the box with my mum so we got 20 cartons each and designed my own labels detailing my girls names, likes and dislikes.


They do lovely pink half dozen boxes too. nice

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You can buy them from Flyte so Fancy for £7.00 plus £2.50 delivery for 40 egg boxes (I make this about 24p per box). Here is a link to them - they are blue however but you could add your own stickers or a bit of original artwork to make them personal as the top of the box is blank. Flyte so Fancy are a great online store too, lots of choice, fast delivery and helpful to boot. I'm going to order some once I have used up my supply of Omlet ones I think so I can add my own design.

http://www.flytesofancy.co.uk/henhouse/Four_Egg_Egg_Boxes.html 4_egg_boxes.jpg


As far a giving away your freshest eggs don't forget that any eggs you get in the supermarket at going to be (at the very best) 2 weeks old before they hit the shelves :shock: so if you are giving your 1 week old eggs they will still be fresher than anything they could buy and tastier by far! :D

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I know this is a very old thread but just wanted to add...I did buy some of the blue 4 egg, egg boxes a long time ago...I'm running low so just took a look at the website again in the hope that they are selling a mixed colours bundle like they do for the half dozen boxes but sadly they don't :( We are a family of six and love eggs so we get through lots although I do like to give away boxes of 4 eggs to friend and neighbours :D


I stamp my egg boxes with a chicken stamp I was lucky enough to find at a craft fair :))


Very best wishes...


Lou :D

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