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neighbour is recycling!!!!

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my neighbour has always put out so many bin bags each week, 10-15 at a time :shock: but today I spotted her OH & son taking up a recycling box to the road & 4 bin bags, what a result :clap: I'm not sure what has made them change their habits but I'm very glad to see it

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its possible the council had a word with them, there are just 3 houses on our bit of the road & the other neighbour & I started to put our bags just outside our own house & not up on the road, we both put our recycling bins out on the kerb with our house numbers on so it was pretty obvious who did not have one & who was putting out so much rubbish. but I'd like to think it was just an awakening

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I was horrified when a colleague complained the other day that the bin men hadn't taken their rubbish because it wasn't all in the bin ... then she sighed and said 'I suppose we'll have to start recycling'. :roll:


I just take it for granted that almost everybody does these days - the idea of just throwing everything into the bin is unthinkable. Admittedly it is easy for me because my council has a great scheme, it's all collected at the kerbside, but even if it weren't I would recycle bottles and cans and paper.


I guess not everyone is as clued-up as us Omleteers.

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A neighbour of mine refuses to recycle. :roll: She saw a programmme once that indicated that it was all sent on a boat to China anyway so she asks what is the point.


Mind you if I had to go to the recycling point with the number of booze bottles that she puts in her bin every week.....I'd be embarrassed.


One thing is for sure....you can't be a recycler and a secret drinker! :lol:

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  Egluntine said:
One thing is for sure....you can't be a recycler and a secret drinker! :lol:


:D:D:D Whenever we have friends round for dinner or throw a party the amount of bottles we are left with are :shock::shock::shock::oops: To avoid the nosy neighbours seeing how much we drink I used to smuggle them out in my shopping trolley and take them to the public re-cycling up the road.



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We have no choice but to take them to the bottle bank - our council won't collect glass from homes. Whenever I go it seems to take ages to drop all the bottles in and I always think it looks like I am a secret drinker :shock::oops: Hadn't thought of newspaper....... good one Tessa.


However I am lucky enough to have a car and to be physically able to carry bottles to the bottle bank. I'm not sure what you're supposed to do with your bottles if you cannot manage - the nearest bottle banks are a good fifteen minute walk away. My MIL is supposed to lug two recycling boxes to the kerbside each week down her 80 foot garden path, but she had a mini-stroke which left her arm very weak so she cannot lift the boxes let alone put them out. I suggested she ring the council, as they have a duty to support her if she says that she cannot manage on account of her disability, but she prefers to just put everything in one bin which she can wheel with her 'good' arm :roll: .


We have a green wheelie bin which takes plastics, cans, newspaper and card, but is only emptied monthly - with recycling and composting, we only part fill our 'normal' wheelie bin which is emptied weekly. Once a fortnight for each would do us very well.

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I happened to look out of my window last week on bin collection day just in time to see my next door neighbour looking in ours and next door but ones wheelie bins, presumably to see if he could put some of their rubbish in!


We're on alternate week collections and we have six in our family (not counting chickens etc!) next door they only have 4. I always have recycled but still struggle with getting the wheelie bin to last 2 weeks and our council won't empty it if the lid isn't shut. They also don't collect glass around here and usually when I get to the bottle banks they're full.


Our kerbside recycling boxes don't have lids and in windy weather stuff gets blown everywhere and don't even get me started on the maggots in the wheelie bins in warmer weather...............ugh!

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have any of you that have issues with the way the council operate (or do not operate) recycling facilities in your area, written to your MP?


I did and now we have a kerbside collection of cardboard, glass, tins, paper and plastic bottles.


If you've tried that route then try writing to your local paper and shaming the council into doing something. Most local newspapers publish readers leytters on local issues.


Most MPs have a web site now so you could just e mail them.


It worked for me so just a suggestion.

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  Egluntine said:
A neighbour of mine refuses to recycle. :roll: She saw a programmme once that indicated that it was all sent on a boat to China anyway so she asks what is the point


That's twisting the truth to her own ends! There are currently several types of plastic that cannot be recycled in this country, and they are shipped off by the lowest bidder :roll: but that doesnt mean all recycling makes such a journey. Tell her you've heard a rumour the council want to open a refuse incinerator down the road and see what she says then :twisted: It's people like this who have landed us all with bi-weekly collections, do thank her for us will you? :wink:

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There have been numerous campaigns in this area but none have succeeded.


Our council is quite big on surveys - currently have another one sitting in my kitchen - and call me sceptical but apparently everyone who completes them is in agreement with the councils recommendations because after appearing to ask us what we want, we always seem to end up with what they want!

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My next door but one neighbours (two working adults and two under 13 children)put out a dustbin full of drinks cans and bottles for recycling every fortnight, as the recycling box isn't big enough for all their empties :shock: They also manage three bin bags of rubbish a week as well though. The wife delivers leaflets for the Green party :shock: (whilst they run two cars, which they can't park properly either :evil: )

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  LisaP said:
There have been numerous campaigns in this area but none have succeeded.


Our council is quite big on surveys - currently have another one sitting in my kitchen - and call me sceptical but apparently everyone who completes them is in agreement with the councils recommendations because after appearing to ask us what we want, we always seem to end up with what they want!


you state your location as Bracknell so I did a quick google and found this, there's also an on line form you can complete for any recycling issues




another site seems to suggest Bracknell has collection sites for tin foil too which is more than we have :D


Apologies if this isn't your local authority.

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We used to be terrible roughly 6 or 7 years back, and I know my neighbours back where we used to live was a bit shocked by the amount of rubbish we had... I got this all to change over the years, I now recycle everything I can, and have two composters and a wormery... We also have six in our family and a fortnightly collection, and sometimes I struggle with the wheelie bin a little, though it's a large one, whereas sometimes it isn't full... The council picks up plastics from the kerbside, but only drink bottles and milk bottles, no other plastic, so I take other plastic and drink cartons to the local recycling bank... problem is, that one is so often overflowing, with rubbish piled all around them in such piles that you can't even approach the bins... I'm not sure why they are not emptied more often, I've often pulled up with the car there just to have to head straight away again with the bags still full!!

Recycling is a struggle though... OH only does it cause I nag so much... he always has some excuse to not recycle things, and at the same time tries to murder my worms in the wormery by throwing the fierest, most liquid currys in there without listening to my careful attempts at keeping the wormery healthy... Not sure why he's so resistant, but to be brutally honest I think it's just because it was my idea to start recycling, well before the council reduced the amount of rubbish we could put out, and it wasn't his idea... apparently my efforts 'will not make a difference' and I'm wasting my time... sigh...

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its taken a while but my OH is quite good at saving kitchen waste for my wormery and/or chicken, normally he remembers to put the glass in the right place too, I think he was embarrassed about the number of wine bottles at first :oops: but they're not all wine bottles you know!!!!! :wink:


we cannot recycle any plastic in our area i keep ringing the council but they say they cannot aford it :evil:

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My neighbour has the same problem - she 'can't be bothered' to recycle and has an enormous wheelie bin full of stuff, plus two plastic sacks (which the won't take). I have spoken to her, and put leaflets through the door regarding recycling. Lst summer it got to the stage where I was fed up with smely rubbish overflowing in her front garden (she refuses to take the bins round the back) and I called the council to ask whether they could make a visit to explain it to her. Apparently, they don't do that .. the person concerned has to do it themselves; like that's going to happen!


Our council is excellent wit their recyclign campaign and do all they can to encourage people to use it, but they really could do more to help in this matter.

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We are a family of 6 with a normal sized wheelie bin and have never had to use any extra bags to put next to the bin. Our council collect paper,cardboard,tins,glass and garden waste. We take our plastic bottles and juice cartons to tescos and recycle them ourselves-it still amazes me how much juice we go through as a family. Usually our council are quite good at recycling apart from the odd week where the cardboard won't be collected so if we ring up they often come and collect it the day after. (we live down a short track so a lot of people don't realise we are even there!)

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We are quite lucky in that we have colleted, paper, glass.tins and garden refuse. We still have weekly rubbish ollection thank god. My sister does no recyclying by the sound of it at all!!! i can't belive people are so lazy :evil:

We also take ardboard and plastic to local recyling place.

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Our council has six trial sites for drinks cartons around the city - I can now save all the cartons and recycle them. OH is delighted by the overflowing bin bag of cartons :liar: but unfortunately the only site within reach of us is outside a major shopping centre and I try to avoid it unless absolutely necessary. If it's unavoidable, I stage a carefully planned high-speed raid on the minimum number of shops, then escaping before the 'leisure shoppers' arrive. Years of shopping with bored children has perfected the technique!


They are also trialling garden waste collection with six routes currently in operation. Needless to say, none of them is in my area but I live in hope that they will extend both schemes!

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