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drowning in chicken poo?

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we just gave away 3 bin bags full of chicken poo after putting an ad on freecycle. It was to a nice couple who had waited 2 years for an allotment and finally got it in January. We told them about our allotment hunt and they said they know someone who took photos like we did and managed to get one that way. They said when we have some more, just e mail them and they will come and get it. I hate to throw anything away and our compost bin and beds are full of the stuff already :lol:


So, if you don't know what to do with your spare poop, stick it on freecycle! :lol:

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DH said he just uses it when it doesn't look like big clumps of poo, he said he just guesstimates when it's ready. He said he left it approx 3 months but if your beds don't have anything growing in them yet then you can just dig it straight in and leave it to rot/mulch down in the soil. You can't put it straight on plants because it's still full of ammonia.


We're getting a great crop of rhubarb at the moment thanks to the poop :D


The stuff we gave away wasn't composted, that's why we were giving it away, no more room in the compost bin :D

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Ah _ I thought it was composted - I have so many bins but I do use them in conjunction with one another and fill them all up - I have 2 going for chicken stuff with newspaper every day from the nesting box full of poo!!yuk I can get another bin from the council subsidised and maybe should do this to keep the poo going in 3 bins! Your rhubarb is wonderful - hoping for something similar next year.

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if/when we get an allotment, we can get extra bins but our garden is too small for another compost bin :roll:


I recently found out, for anyone else who doesn't know, the chicken manure/fertiliser stuff they sell at garden centres is likely to be a battery hen by product! :evil:

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... Your rhubarb is wonderful - hoping for something similar next year.


p.s. thank you :D


it's the first thing we've ever grown on our very own land, fertilised with our very own chicken poo and harvested with our very own hands. When the schnapps is ready, we're going to sit in our garden allotment with a shot glass of schnapps to celebrate! :lol::whistle:

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Love the sound of that rubarb schnapps.


I gave a bag of chicken poo away on freecycle a week ago and I got so many replies it was difficult to make a decision as to who should get it.


So many people left their numbers with me and asked for more too.


It never occured to me that the garden centre waste would be from battery hens. They really infiltrate just about every part of modern day living in some way dont they.



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I've asked dh to construct me two wooden compost bins as a birthday present. How glamorous!




I got a pressure washer for my birthday! I used to ask for jewellery, just shows how having chickens changes your priorities!


Hadn't thought of offering chicken poo on freecycle, what a great idea!

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I swapped the last lot of muckings-out from the run for rhubarb, with a friend who has an allotment.


Our little veggie patch took a third of it and the composters were overflowing what with chickens, guinea pigs and bokashi-ed kitchen leavings. We are starting a veggie garden at the boys' school soon so will no doubt be wheelbarrowing it up the hill to mix in with the raised beds there.


There's always someone who'll have chicken poo!

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Sorry but when you talk about giving away chicken poop do you mean pure poop or with the hemcore/whatever mixed in? Do people only want the 'pure' stuff? :?



In my case it's both - 'pure' poo gets added to everyone's compost in my street. The run cleanings were with hemcore in and practically composted after a few weeks in the run in all weathers; that went straight into the unplanted soil and the worms are working it in.

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