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Sarah B

Eglu Nestbox Hole?

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This is prob a really stupid q again.....


The Eglu nestbox hole? I'm guessing it is there for easier cleaning but my aubiose drops out of it.


When my hens get to laying on the aubiose I'll be lucky if they have something to nest on by the time I get home.


Am I missing something here?



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We are just using shredded paper in the nesting box but even bits of that are falling through the hole although just tiny pieces. Not sure why it is there - could you put some paper underneath and then auboise on the top?


Interesting to see that before our Pepperpot started to lay eggs, she would throw out all the shredded paper until there was nothing left and then to add insult to injury they would poo in the empty nest box. Bit of a pain to have to clean out the nesting box every day of poo and then fill it up with more shredded paper. :? The first egg I collected was in an empty nesting box!


I am really happy to report that since she has started laying they have been leaving the paper in the nesting box and not soiling it either. Marvellous!! Hopefully she has turned a corner. They really are very clever..... :D

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We are just using shredded paper in the nesting box but even bits of that are falling through the hole although just tiny pieces. Not sure why it is there - could you put some paper underneath and then auboise on the top?


Interesting to see that before our Pepperpot started to lay eggs, she would throw out all the shredded paper until there was nothing left and then to add insult to injury they would poo in the empty nest box. Bit of a pain to have to clean out the nesting box every day of poo and then fill it up with more shredded paper. :? The first egg I collected was in an empty nesting box!


I am really happy to report that since she has started laying they have been leaving the paper in the nesting box and not soiling it either. Marvellous!! Hopefully she has turned a corner. They really are very clever..... :D


PTK, thanks for this, so do you reckon to leave the aubiose or give it a go with shredded paper? I really don't understand chickens :?

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As we are new to chicken keeping (and it shows!) we just started out with shredded paper and they seem to be quite happy with it. I've just left the bits of paper in the whole as it is preventing more from falling through. I check the shredded paper every day to see if it is damp and replace if necessary but thankfully this is getting less. I did think about getting some auboise but as the run is on wood chippings and hasn't gone soggy so far, figured there was no need (have the run covered with some of that corrugated plastic from B&Q). They kick the chippings around which covers the poos every day and still manage to expose the mud underneath to have a dust bath in one corner. Last weekend we raked up the old chippings and put on the shrub borders in the garden and then replaced with some new chippings. The old shredded paper goes straight into the compost bin along with the contents of the eglu tray. It is great because everything is getting recycled. :D

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