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Rachel F

Poo in the nesting box.

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We took delivery of our eglu last week, complete with two ginger nut rangers and one miss pepperpot.


Following the advice of the kind man who delivered our eglu, we have left the nesting box empty of shredded paper, straw (or hay - can't remember what we are NOT supposed to use) etc. He told us that we can start putting shredded paper in the nesting box in a couple of weeks when they are getting closer to laying an egg.


However, in the meantime, a serious amount of poo is being deposited in the egg-laying section. As it is difficult to wash out, I am wiping it out regularly, but just wonder if this is normal...?


Will they continue to poo in it when they start laying, or should I put something in the egg-laying part of the eglu to stop them pooing in it? But if I do that, will I discourage them from ever laying in it...


I am posting this on here because I am too embarrassed to phone Omlet again - I have phoned them a few times with what I am sure they think are ridiculous questions, and am positive they put me onto speaker-phone when they realise it's me!!


On another point, with chickens from Omlet, when can I expect a cuddle??



I look forward to hearing any advice.


Thank you.



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Hi Rachel, I have only had my chickies a week and I wasn't told not to put straw in the nesting box by the man that delivered them. As I had some straw in readiness I have put some in the nesting box and they haven't been in there at all to poo or otherwise! I know the cube has a different layout to the eglu. I was also told to put a fake egg in the nest box when they come into lay to encourage them to lay in there when the time comes.


I am also desperate for a cuddle but mine keep running off when I approach them although they are now taking food from my hand which is rather sweet. :D


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Hi Rachel,


The chooks don't care where they poo - it just comes out when it's ready so if they are near the nestbox it's a pooey nestbox.


Might be an idea for you to get some aubiose, that's what I use in the nestbox and in the eglu poo tray and it absorbs all the smells and makes the poo 'dry' and easy to pick out and discard.


Re the cuddles I stroke my girls when they have gone to bed through the eggport. I still get some concerned minor clucking but they are getting used to me! (I'm only 3 weeks in today with my hens)! :D


They take niblets of corn from my fingers now!

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Hi Rachel,


Welcome! Feel free to address an ridiculous questions to us on the forum! We've all been there and know how important it is to know things!


I would say put some sort of bedding in the nest box to make it easier to clean out. I use Aubiose. Straw isn't a good idea as it can cause problems if the hen eats it and can also harbour parasites. I tried shredded newspaper to start with but found that the hens pulled it out into the run and my eggs got newsprint all over them :roll:


I didn't bother with the fake egg (I did have a couple but my kids thought they were balls so I 'lost' them!) My hens still knew where to lay.


I wouldn't expect a cuddle until they come into lay - they have a complete personality change and become really docile and friendly.


Good luck with your girls, I really wouldn't be without mine now!



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Hi Rachel, I have only had my chickies a week and I wasn't told not to put straw in the nesting box by the man that delivered them. As I had some straw in readiness I have put some in the nesting box and they haven't been in there at all to poo or otherwise! I know the cube has a different layout to the eglu. I was also told to put a fake egg in the nest box when they come into lay to encourage them to lay in there when the time comes.


I am also desperate for a cuddle but mine keep running off when I approach them although they are now taking food from my hand which is rather sweet. :D



I don't use straw, read its not a good idea as they can eat it and in bad cases it can block the crop. Try shredded paper, hemcore or aubiose which I use. :D

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Hi Rachel


A whole week before you asked a question - been busy watching chooks :?::wink::D


It's will be fine by now to put either some straw or aubiose in the nest box - makes it easier to clean out. You can put an upturned plant pot in the nestbox over night if you want to stop them sleeping (and pooing ) in there. You just need to remember to take it out early enough in the morning once they start laying :D


At night when the girls are all tucked up in the eglu, try giving them a stroke to get them used to you. Try treats during the daytime (preferably in the afternoon so they don't get full on treats and don't eat their food) as that will help them get used to you. Once they get close to starting to lay, they will crouch when you approach them which will make it easier for you to pick them up and cuddle them :D :D


Have fun.........welcome to the forum.........if you need to know anything else, just ask away :D :D :D :D

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also meant to say.........hay is a no no


the jury is still out on straw but I've used it for 3 years and never had a problem (in fact if there isn't any straw in the nestbox my girls let me know :roll: ) If you want to absolutely sure of no problems, then just use aubiose/hemcore/easibed - all very similar stuff

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I got my girls 3 weeks ago today and there hadn't been much poo in the nestbox until today, I opened up the eggport & thought they'd made a clay bowl :shock: I use hemcore in the nest box (easy to remove with a trowel) and the run (easy to sweep up) and I also put some in the droppings tray as it makes that easy to clean too :)


There was a thread on the forum recently where someone suggested putting something in the nestbox over night to keep them out of it and remove it in the morning so they can use it to lay eggs during the day.


Ours are getting lovely and tame and happily take treats from our hands and follow us around the garden, they don't seem to keen on being picked up & handled though so I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't given them a thorough check over since I've had them :oops:

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We started off putting just shredded paper in the nestbox (try stealing my identity from that!) but now put a layer of Aubiose below it as it seems to keep it drier. Certainly, as others have said, putting something in there will make it easier to clean out when they do poo in it, which they will from time to time.


When our Eglu was delivered we were advised to put a football in the nestbox until they started laying. So we got one for a £1 and popped it in :)


They will also beome easier to handle once they start laying. They're like naughty teenagers at the moment but the calm down once laying starts and will 'crouch' for you to pick them up. That said, stroking them gently through the eggport when they're all dozy will certainly help get them used to you. As will giving them treats :)



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If there is a lot of poo in the nestbox they are almost certainly sleeping in there. The odd poo will get deposited at other times, but if one of them is in there all night, it will be quite :vom: and it's a nuisance to clean out.


Aubiose will stop it sticking to the floor, but I put a plastic flowerpot in the nest-box each morning when I collect the eggs, and then when they go to bed it is supposed to stop them sleeping in there. You don't have to wait till morning - if you are willing to nip up the garden after dark and remove it, the theory is that they will not move over once they have roosted, so they won't sleep in there but it will be free for egg-laying next morning.


Sorry to say, that after a large medicinal gin last night (had one of those weeks) I forgot about this little chore. :oops: This morning, the plastic flowerpot is in the middle of the run - they have moved it all the way out through the Eglu door! I may just admit defeat and go back to poop-scooping.

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Sorry to say, that after a large medicinal gin last night (had one of those weeks) I forgot about this little chore. :oops: This morning, the plastic flowerpot is in the middle of the run - they have moved it all the way out through the Eglu door! I may just admit defeat and go back to poop-scooping.


That has made me giggle :lol::lol:

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I had a fair amount of poop in the nestbox recently - but since they've started laying this seems to have stopped. Whether they've gone off the idea of crouching over a pile of poop to lay an egg I don't know - but certainly seems to have stopped. I found it much easier with Hemcore in the next box just to flick any bits out through the bars.

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Remembered this week that there is an important piece of chook kit that is essential - a mug with a lid.


Trying to garden with the chooks and the dog trying to help with the weeding, they all decided they also desearved a tea break. Really got worried when a chook bum was hovering over the mug.........


But back to poo in nest box - hemcore is great. I may be odd, but I get real satisfaction from washing the odd bit of poo off the eggs. Sort of reinforces that they are really fresh eggs and my fab girls have done a good job.



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My top chook, Scully, always sleeps in the nestbox, therefore poos in it too. When I go out to say hello to them in the morning, I make sure to have my poo-picking rubber glove with me. I just pick up the straw and shake it over the roosting bars to dislodge the poo into the tray (which has hemcore in it), and put the straw back in the nestbox. Hey presto! No pooey eggs! :wink:


I tried using hemcore in the nest instead of straw, but it disappeared overnight, making me think that the girls ate it all! Mine don't eat the straw, so I do use it, but I change it twice a week to make sure no parasites can set up home in it.


Look forward to hearing all about your first egg! :)

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Thank you all very much for your very supportive suggestions. I have bought a bag of Hemcore which seems to be working, only in as much as it is easier to flick the poo through the roosting bars. But I do think that one of them is sleeping in it... My girls are on grass so where the huge amount of rain has made the grass pretty soggy, I have added a couple of handfuls of hemcore on the grass too.


They have been out free-ranging for short spells of time over the last few days. It is so wholesomely satisfying to watch. :D My husband refers to me as 'watching chicken TV'... Today, I have been out in the sun, wind & rain, snow and hail, and not necessarily in that order.


Thank you again all.


Rachel F.

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