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Door open at night

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Please can anyone tell me at what temperatures they are happy to leave the eglu door open all night? I don't live in an area with a fox problem and I would like them to be able to get up and wander round their run at dawn (when I am fast asleep!!)


your thoughts would be appreciated


Thank you

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I leave mine open unless it is very cold or very windy, or if one of the girls is below par. They have a higher body temperature and their own feather duvets to keep them warm. They'll be fine!


If I shut the door every night, I'd have to get up at 3.45 in the summer! :shock::shock::shock: I am an early bird, but not THAT early! :lol:

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I stopped going out to shut mine, because no matter how late I went out, Kentucky and Atilla always came out to greet me.....and it was getting that I wasn't getting to bed until after 1am....and they were still up....so I abandoned it one night.


I tossed and turned as I thought I would come down to a garden full of mangled corpses....but they were fine....and I get to bed earlier.

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I stopped going out to shut mine, because no matter how late I went out, Kentucky and Atilla always came out to greet me.....and it was getting that I wasn't getting to bed until after 1am....and they were still up....so I abandoned it one night.



i was like this, and as the days are gettin lighter in the morning i haev taken now to leaving it open

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I shut my door my partner lets them out before he gose to work at 5.30am so there up when i get up.Having a baby and 6 year old all helps in the mornings.But if we are to have a very rare lie in then l leave it open.I tend to push the door a little shut on my cube so they can just get out.I have gini pigs in one as well but l shut there door.Unless you can get up just before it gets light then id leave it open.The thing is they spend there days in there runs no matter how cold it is so they should be fine. :D

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I was only advised to close the door in horizonal blizzard conditions, so havent yet shut the door. They all seem to sleep in a bundle away from the door - did wonder because it was too cold by the door! But they seem okay...


Makes it much easier for them to come and go...


Rachel F.

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