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Guest Penguinmad

I've been shopping at Primark!

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Well its a bit of a first for me - I'm a size 16 now and I've been going in a lot of shops I've never been able to buy clothes in. Havn't bought much in any of them as I don't want to spend good money on things that will only fit for about 6 weeks.


BUT - I'm going to a 50th birthday party on Saturday and theres a 50's theme. I have a Pink Ladies jacket which I can drape over my shoulders (its MILES too big to wear!!!) but nothing else. Whislt I was shopping at Bluewater I saw lots of 50's style skirts and dresses but I didn't want to spend a lot of money so we stopped at Lakeside and went to Primark - got a skirt and a couple of tops.


Its an interesting experience on a busy Bank Holiday isn't it? I saw sales assistants picking up stock off the floor and just throwing it back on top of the racks. I was also VERY pleased that they use paper bags and not plastic ones, I got a lovely paper bag that will keep the cats amused for hours.

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Did you see the woman in the news who maybe had an allergic reaction to some Primark pants :shock::eh:



I went shopping on Thursday and I think my trousers were £15 from Dorothy Perkins and my lovely jumper £15 from Next. You can sometimes get lucky. I also discovered there was a Next clearance locally and got a lovely coat.

We'll quickly move past the expensive top I bought from Next, I have worn it once already :oops::shh:

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My girls love primark. I know what you mean though about someone not getting a fair deal along the way, however a lot of high street stores are much the same on that score, Next for example. I try not to worry about it too much and let the girls get what they want. Im not paying 3 times the price at Next for no better traded stuff.

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I went in the Telford Primark on Saturday and walked out with nowt, just nothing took my eye, except the bags. But I have too many bags at the moment.

I don't like the Telford one as it's really untidy always! I like the one at Wrexham & also Manchester best. Very organised, tidy & friendly staff too!

Some real bargains, not all bad quality either & I love their pyjamas, so bright & cheerful & so snuggly! I like Peacocks for cheap clothes too & also Matalan & TKMax.



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i adore tkmaxx and when i go in there i'm there for hours even the store detective follows me around cause i go round and round looking at the goodies over and over again .....can never decide what to buy :roll: .....want everything :oops:.Went to matalan yesterday and bought a fab dress going to primark tomos i've seen the perfect bag to go with it :wink:

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