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Oops - they're out - they can really jump - clever girls

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My chickens are supposed to be confined to the run and omlet netting pen until our fence is fixed so I got quite a shock when they started tapping on the patio door


Looks like I didn't put the netting back properly :shock::oops:



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I see why omlet say their hens are full of character


The omlet netting just doesn't hold them any more.. they are out and free ranging within minutes of the run being opened and I've worked out how they are doing it...


They jump onto the top of the cube run and down into the garden. They are led by the smallest pepperpot.. but it didn't take long for the rest to work it out.. not bad for chickens with clipped wings


and they don't even need a catapult unlike their chicken run counterparts


cheeky clever girls :lol:

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