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Mrs Frugal

Disappearing posts

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We've had a case of some posts going missing for no reason. As far as I'm aware they haven't been moderated and could just be the result of a technical glitch but we're investigating further to see what's going on. If anyone notices that their posts are going AWOL, could you PM me please and I'll investigate to see what's happened to them.


Thanks all :D .

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Starring Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot in ........... 'The Case of the Missing Posts'


Featuring as Lead Investigator............ Kate Superpants, Master Sleuth


In a supporting role.......... 'The Omlet Gang'


Debuting.............. Typex The Deleter, as The Criminal Mastermind :wink::D

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We have a phantom deleter and a phantom editor too as we had "tap dancing" changed to "lap dancing" anonymously and "I need a moan" to "I need a man" - someone has a sense of humour :lol: .


Hopefully the missing posts are just a glitch though.


Weeeeeeeeeeeeee, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, heeeeeeeeeeeeee :lol::lol::lol:


I am surprised that "Ooops, word censored!"ody has held there hands up to either of those :D

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I only noticed that 2 of mine were deleted.....or at least vanished...yesterday, as they were in the same thread.


Let's hope it is just a glitch and nothing more. :lol:


I think it could be somebody trying to boost there posts :shock: Chelsea seems to be running up the leader board :wink::wink:

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**groan** :lol:


I wouldn't notice if any of mine disappeared either :oops: I have had problems with a message popping up to say "no post exists" and also my PMs have stopped popping up altogether, for no reason.


Some posts will disappear in the general tidying up - e.g. when the Eglus in Ebay are deleted at end of auction or if the Word Association is tidied....... this will cause individual number of posts to change....... but it's not sinister..... :)

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