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Keanie Bean

Smallholding update

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Well we received the full survey details the other day and it was 33 pages of, this is rubbish, that is rubbish and this is about to fall down. :shock:


At the end of it there was a total turn around and in fact its not so bad after all. Although the joists upstairs wouldnt support a water bed :cry: or any gym equipment :D (gets me out of that one)!


It seems we have offered a maximum price for our little 15 acre place so our next move is going have to be to try and wangle them down on the asking price. They are desperate to emigrate to NZ so hopefully they should be affable to this.


I'll keep you posted but this could be make or break so we are all a little on edge.



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Surveys can be scarey reading :shock: but you know if its the place you want to be (and I think it is!).


I'd echo the advise about pointing out less than satisfactory things in it to the vendor, and hopefully get your offer down a bit.


I'm currently reading "the fat of the land" by John Seymour and thinking eek/wow so like the others I'll be intrigued to follow your dream via forum!!


Best of luck.

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You are very kind. I wish I had time for my blog but the farm has expanded to-

8 horses (4 are mine)

3 chooks

2 goats

3 dogs

2 cats


I barely have time to come on here!!


I feel so much better after reading that Rhapsody! - I always felt guilty that you could keep a Blog and I'd never founf the time to even start one :roll:

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Thank you all for the luck :) . We are going to try a lower price but will pay the one agreed already if we have to. We are just hoping the vendors dont tell us where to poke it and put it back on the market. We have been looking for this house for such a ong time and when we viewed it in January we all knew it was the one.



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